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10.3 haywire


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We are in the precinct watching Snart and Mick finally get arrested. "Aah! I'm gonna burn every last one of you pigs! Get your hands off me! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Yaaaaah!" Mick yells.

"You're partners a real hothead," Joe says to Snart.

"That's funny," Snart says in his usual snarky tone.

"You know what's hilarious, Snart? We got you," Joe tells him.

"Congratulations," He responds.

"Get him out of here," Joe says as they walk him away. Before walking away though, he stops in front of me.

"I really do wish I could've kidnapped you instead of the brunette. It would've made one less hero to fight tonight. By the way, you look better in blue," Snart says, making my eyes widen. He winks at me, making me shift uncomfortably. Then he is taken away as I stare at his retreating figure. He knew. He knew this whole time.

"Hey," Barry says coming up to me. "You okay? You look... worried."

"I think Snart knew I'm the Phoenix," I whisper.

"What? How could he possibly-" Barry starts.

"I don't know. I just hope he doesn't say anything," I say.

"I'll make sure of it," Barry says as I nod. We see Eddie walk over.

"Nice work, Eddie," Barry says.

"Yeah, you were great," I add.

"It wasn't me. That was the Phoenix and the Flash," He says.

"We're not gonna be needing these for the trial. You'll make sure-" Joe starts looking at the guns.

"-They'll never hurt anyone ever again," Cisco finishes.

"Mr. Ramon," Captain Singh says to Cisco, shaking his head. "Thank you."

Me and Barry smile at each other as we head out. Three officers head past us as one says, "There was like a lighting bolt, zipping through the streets and the girl, she, she froze the flame in the air."

"That's amazing," Another said. "I wonder who they are."

"If you ask me, they're heroes," the last one says making us grin bigger ad we walk out of there.


I moved my hand to touch the necklace around my neck to find it not there. I panic and start to look around my house. After searching my entire house, and not seeing it, I teleport to S.T.A.R. Labs. I search my whole workroom, to not see it anywhere.

I walk towards the Cortex and as I am about to enter, I bump into someone. I lose balance and I grab there arm to stop me from falling. I look up to see Barry. Oh, well isn't this great. "Barry!" I say, too enthusiastically. "W-What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I just came to grab a file I left. What are you doing here?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Oh, me? I was just- you know- training," I lie.

"In jeans?" He asks.

"It was pyrokenesis training," I say.

"Oh," he says. "So, do you have your necklace? I wanted to-uh- add something to it. Something I forgot."

"My necklace?" I ask. "Well you see- I- uh- I just am not wearing it right now. I still have it. I just- took it off before training."

"Really?" He asks.

"Y-yeah," I say weakly.

"Where did you take it off? You could forget it," Barry says.

"Um- it's at home," I say.

"Oh it's at home," He says and I nod. He puts his hand in his pocket and takes it out revealing my necklace. "I guess I got the wrong one." I grab it from him.

"Wha- Where did you find this?" I ask.

"It was on the floor where we fought Snart and Mick. It must have fallen off. You know you didn't have to lie to me," He says, taking the necklace back from me.

"I know that," I say as he turns me around so he can put it on me. He puts it on me as I bring a hand up to touch it. I turn around to face him as I fiddle with the rose on the necklace. "I just didn't want you to think that I don't care about it. Because I do. Really. I would never-"

I trail off when I look up into his eyes to see there's barely any space left between us. I bite my lip, not knowing what to do. He looks at the action and steps closer, if that is even possible. I feel his breath on my face as our nose is almost touching. We stand there looking into each other's eyes for what seems like an hour. Our breathing is quick as we steal air from each other.

Barry then slowly closes the distance between us, attaching his lips to mine. I gasp and feel the tips of my fingers flickering embers of fire off of them. They grow larger and my eyes flutter shut as I start to kiss back. He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him and my hands start to feel like they're on fire. I feel my hands burning, the fire starting to slowly emit from them as I encased them around Barry's neck. When my hands touch his skin, he gasps against me. I suddenly feel the crackling of lightning emit from Barry's hands, bouncing on my body. I pull him closer to me, our bodies against one another, our powers going haywire. The lightning from his body strikes me, making me gasp as Barry slips his tongue into my mouth. I hold him tighter as we kiss slowly but passionately. My whole body feels afire, as I give in to Barry's arms.

When I feel Barry's hands slip underneath my shirt, resting on my waist, I gasp, my senses coming back to me as a jolt of lightning hits my body. I pull away from Barry, looking in his eyes before taking a step back. I look at him, his neck and arms covered with burns, which were already healing due to his powers. Electricity ran through his eyes as he looked at me. I willed my powers to cooperate with me as I caught my breath, watching him do the same.

"Liv," He finally breathed out.

"I can't," I said quickly, still out of breath. Tears prickled in my eyes as I met his green eyes. "I can't do this. I'm- I'm so sorry."

Before he can say anything, I quickly teleport away.

Before he can say anything, I quickly teleport away

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Aflame: The Flash (1)Where stories live. Discover now