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8.1.5 kiss


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"Ooh, see I knew The Arrow was Oliver Queen," Cisco says. "I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list."

John ignores him and asks, "Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage-fest?"

"I have an idea about how to do that," Dad says. "Joe we're gonna need your help."

"We need to find him first. Before he hurts somebody."

"I have him," Felicity says. "Facial recognition picked up on a traffic camera downtown."

I then go change into my suit. When I come back, Dig says, "Nightingale and Arrow back at it again huh?"

"Actually, it's Phoenix now," I say with a smile and teleport to Barry.

Oliver comes up to me and says, "It's weird having you out in the field with a bow and arrow."

"Yeah, but I do have my bo staff," I say. I take it out and then we run to Barry, Eddie, and Iris.

"Run!" We yell at her.

"Eddie run!" She yells and then follows him. Oliver has loaded up his bow and I am in a fighting stance.

"You need to calm down," Oliver says.

"And you need to hold on," Barry says and drags Oliver across the street.

"Barry! Stop!" I say and then I start to fight him.

He blocks most of my attacks and then punches me in the stomach making me fall hard on the ground. Did Bivolo give him some fighting techniques too? Cause I know for a fact he ain't this good. I then project my force field around Barry, trying to trap him. Instead, he runs around in circles and the comes at the force field at a very high speed. The force field collapses, flames flying out from all directions. A large flame pushes my body backwards, burning portions of it. I hit a wall and fall on the ground. I groan and try to get up. When I fail to stand, I fall back against a wall and watch Barry and Oliver fight.

Oliver shoots two Arrows at him. They land behind him and Barry says, "You missed."

"No," Ollie says as the Arrows explode. Barry is thrown forward and when he gets up, he gets shot again. "200 milligrams of horse tranquilizer, should be hitting you any time now."

Barry pulls out the Arrow and then vibrates himself, ridding him of the tranquilizer. He then starts running around Oliver and Oliver uses a grappling arrow to get to the roof of a building. Barry meets him up, causing Oliver to fall. He thankfully uses another grappling arrow to land safely. I then watch Oliver and Barry fight each other.

Soon, I watch Oliver fall to the ground and roll in front of me. "Oliver... Oliver, get up," I whisper. He then presses a button making to arrows fly towards Barry.

Barry catches them and says, "Fool me once-" Oliver then throws an arrow on Barry's leg causing him to fall to the ground. My eyelids feel heavier as I try to keep them open. Words Oliver says to Barry come as white noise to my ears. I hear the screeching of a van, before I finally slip into unconsciousness.


My eyes flutter open. I look up at the ceiling on S.T.A.R. Labs. I groan and slowly get up. "Hey, take it easy," Oliver says, helping me up.

"Hey," I say, quietly. "Did you get him?"

"Yeah," He laughs.

Felicity then comes up to us and says, "Hey, you're awake."

"Yeah," I respond. "What are you guys still doing here?"

"We weren't gonna leave, till you woke up," Oliver says.

"Barry hit your force field pretty hard," Felicity says. "You got some burnt marks in places the flames from the force field hit you. You might be a little sore."

"Livvy?" I hear a voice ask. Our heads snap towards the door to see Barry walking in.

"We'll let you talk," Oliver says, and I nod. He kisses my forehead and the two slip out of the room, leaving me and Barry alone.

I turn to Barry, and just as I'm about to say something, I am cut off, "I'm so sorry!"

"It wasn't your fault. It was the colors. It wasn't you," I say, shaking my head.

"Still, I'm so so so sorry," He says hugging me.

"It fine," I say, smiling up at him. "I can handle a few bruises."

"It just hurts to know they're from me," He says, frowning.

"They were an accident," I tell him as I grab his hand. "And they'll be gone in a few days... It wasn't your fault."

He hesitantly nods. He then looks at me and smiles. I smile back and he then moves closer to me. His body leans in slowly, hesitating, as if he's not sure if what he's doing is right. I lean in a bit too and then look up at him, in his green eyes. Our noses are almost touching, and our breaths quicken. My eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips. I stare at them for a bit too long and snap my eyes back up, making sure he didn't notice. But when I look at him, I see him doing the same thing. I slowly close my eyes as I lean in, further.

Suddenly a knock breaks us apart. Barry jumps back as I open my eyes and snap my head in the direction it came from. Felicity gives us a confused look as she says, "Umm-sorry to interrupt, but Me and Oliver are going to go. They need us back in Starling."

"Okay," I say, giving her a small smile as Barry does the same. She walks up to us and hugs Barry.

"Visit whenever you can," Barry says, and she nods.

"And tell Ollie that I hope he finds out about Sara," I say, hugging her. She nods and turns to leave.

Before she leaves, she turns around and says, "Good luck." Her eyes flicker to Barry for a second before turning around and walking away. Barry then turns to me and helps me out of the medical bed.

"I'm gonna go change," I say, using my thumb to point behind me.

"Uh-Y-Yeah," he says. I then walk out of the room to find my clothes as I wonder what was about to happen.

Was I really about to kiss Barry Allen?

Was I really about to kiss Barry Allen?

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