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14.1 time travel

1 time travel

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"I thought you would want to this alone," I say to Barry. "I mean, this is about your mom, and I don't really have any personal connection to her besides... well, you."

"I just thought- you know- it would be better to have a smart mind working with this," Barry explains.

"Barry you are just as smart as me," I tell him, and then ring the Stein's doorbell.

"Barry? Liv?" Clarissa asks.

"Mrs. Stein, we're sorry to bother you here, but is Professor Stein here right now?" Barry asks.

"Well, after a year apart, I'm not letting him out of my sight," She says making us smile.

She then turns to me. "You and your friends at S.T.A.R. Labs did hire a few tests on Martin, didn't they... and they said he was fine?"

Me and Barry look at each other confused. We then turn back to Clarissa. "Yeah. Why is something wrong?" I ask.

"He just seems a little different, is all," She says.

"Different how?" Barry asks.

"He's been asking for pizza. Martin despises pizza." But Ronnie loves it.

"Is that the delivery man?" We hear Stein say walking up to us. "Oh, Mr and Mrs. Allen."

"Uh- Its Ms. Wells, or Olivia, Professor. Not Mrs. Allen," I correct. "Remember?"

"Oh right. I'm sorry, I've been forgetful lately," He says. "I suppose it's too much to hope you as a pizza boy. I am famished."

"Okay," Barry says as he speeds out to get a box of pizza.

Once he comes back, Professor Stein says, "Oh, bravo! Please come in. Oh, mmm. What can I do for the both of you?" Professor Stein takes a bite from a slice of pizza.

"We... We needed to talk to you about a paper that you wrote 25 years ago for the Oxford University Oress," Barry explains.

"It's on time travel," I add.

"Oh. There are just a few of the random thoughts I've had on the subject," Stein says.

"Few?" We ask in unison.

"See, I believe that space-time is a free-flowing highway that intersects the physical world. We live in... in the moments between the on and off ramps. Theoretically, to travel through time, one merely needs to find a way onto the highway."

"Okay, so... so you're saying that this is actually possible to... to travel into the future?" Barry asks.


"What about the past?" I ask.

"Yes," He replies. "My own personal choice would be the Chicago World's Fair, 1893. I... I think Nicola Testa and I would've had some wonderful arguments. What about you?"

"Umm- The night of my College Graduation," I say. "Would've stopped myself from making some bad decisions."

Professor nods. "And you, Mr. Allen?"

"I think I already have," Barry responds. "Professor, um... 15 years ago, my mother was murdered and we recently discovered some evidence that... I was there that night, and not just as a kid, but as an adult."

"That must be a side effect of your incredible speed. In some... future date, you actually move so fast that the resulting kinetic energy buildup smashes a hole in the space-time continuum! You seem disappointed by the prospect," Professor points out.

"I mean, if I do somehow make it back there to that night, then... it means that I didn't save her," Barry says. "My destiny is to fail."


Suddenly, Professor Stein drops his glass of water and we all run to him.

"Professor!" Me and Barry yell.

"Martin! What's wrong?" Clarissa asks him.

"I don't know, I... I feel terrified. My... my heart is racing. I think... I think Ronald is in trouble," He says.

Me and Barry look at each other. "How could you know that?" Barry asks.

"Jitters. He needs help. Go!" He yells.

"You stay here with Stein," Barry says. Just as I am about to debate, he runs out.


"You need to hurry, Barry's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin," Dad says, as Me, Caitlin, and Cisco try to get the pins out of him.

"Well we are trying, but you saying that is not making it any easier!" I snap. I try to focus on Barry but I sigh and put the tweezers down. I look back up at Dad. "I'm sorry. I just really hate Eiling. He always manages to ruin everything. Who the hell made him General in the first place?"

"I don't know, but I would focus on Barry right now," Dad says.

"Right," I say as I go back to Barry.

"This is just like that time I stepped on a sea urchin... only much worse," Cisco says.

"Just don't pee on me," Barry jokes.

"Uh, you know that's a myth, right?" Cisco questions.

Caitlin then pulls out a pin making Barry scream out in pain. She slowly pulls another one out, making Barry scream louder this time. While he's screaming he grabs my hand. He squeezes my hand as he calms down. Although I feel my hand burn up and lightning crackle at my skin from his, I ignore it, rubbing circles on his hand with my thumb to calm him down.

"I'm so stupid," Cait says. "Jason Rush, the grad student who was helping Professor Stein with his Firestorm research, he said that the army took all of Professor Stein's material when he disappeared. I should have known it was General Eiling."

"Not your fault. He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon... both of you," Dad mentions.

"Okay, let's just finish this. I gotta get to Stein's house. Eiling's gonna be after him too," Barry says.

"Stein's fine," I say. I already brought Stein to S.T.A.R. Labs, to get checked.

"How do you know?"

"He's right there," Ronnie says, making us turn to the door.

"I don't think Mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped," Stein says.

 Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped," Stein says

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