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8.1.1 cool!... i mean awful!

 i mean awful!

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I teleport over to Felicity and Diggle, standing in front of them, the table separating us. "I will never get used to that," Dig says, his eyes wide.

"Good," I say, then walk around the table and hug both of them. "It's so nice to see you guys again."

"You too," Dig said. "So, How's this place?"

"It's... happier," I say, looking around.

When we hear the noise of a motorbike, we turn to see Oliver's coming towards us as Felicity says, "Oliver's back." Barry then runs in making Dig drop all of his fries.

"By the way I gave Oliver a half hour head start," Barry says.

"And I still beat you," I say, with a smirk.

"Well you have teleportation. You would beat us no matter what," Barry says.

"Hi Barry," Felicity says.

"Hey Felicity," Barry says. "How you doin' Dig?" I look over to Dig to see him frozen. I snap in front of him making him blink.

He then finally says, "Your fast."

"Did you guys not tell him about me?" Barry asks.

"Well seeing is believing," Felicity says and chuckles when she sees Dig drooling. "And...Drooling."

Oliver finally arrives and I walk over to him and immediately hug him. "Hey," He laughs, putting his hands around me. I pull away from him and smile.

I pat his cheeks and say, "I made you smile. Point for me." He rolls his eyes, smile on his face. He kisses my forehead and then we walk closer to the others.

"Huh, you got him in a good mood," Felicity says.

"Why am I not surprised?" Dig comments with a smile.

I shrug and look back at Oliver with a smile, one he returns. He then winks at me and we turn to the others.

Barry then says, "Hey, thanks for showing up back there, but we had that."

"Uh-huh," Oliver nods.

"What? I was getting ready. To make my move," Barry says.

"What move? The one to the morgue?" Ollie asks a smile back on his face.

"Wait. So what are you guys doing in Central City?" Barry asks.

"Working a case," Felicity says. "Suspicious homicide in the styling where the murder weapon is a boomerang." She hands us the boomerang.

"Cool!" Me and Barry say in unison looking at the boomerang. We then look up to see Oliver's blank face. We then say, "I mean, awful."

"I found traces of iron oxide on it. I know it's a long shot, but Central City has the highest concentration of iron oxide in the country," Felicity says.

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