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3.2 kyle nimbus

2 kyle nimbus

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After a while, I'm called into the Cortex. I wipe my tears, look in the mirror and plaster on a small smile. I then clear my throat and walk into the Cortex. "What'd you find out?" I ask walking in, a few steps behind Barry and Caitlin.

"It's a 3D molecular model of the gas we retrieved from you lungs," Cisco says.

"We've identified the toxin," Dad says glancing at me. He turns to me again and ask, "You okay?"

I smile, "Yup. Never better." I feel Barry's gaze on me but I avoid it.

"Hydrogen cyanide?" Barry asks.

"What's interesting is what's mixed in ep with the cyanide. A sedative," Dad says.

"Of course," Barry exclaims. "The night of the explosion, find out if anyone was executed."

"Why?" Dad asks.

"That sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber and breathe in hydrogen cyanide," Barry explained.

"Someone was executed," Cait says, "Kyle Nimbus."

"That's him," Me and Barry say in unison when we see the picture.

"He was a hit man for the Darbinyan crime family," Cait said. "They turned on him and testified. Judge Theresa Howard was the judge at his trial. She sentenced him to death."

"He must've been affected by the explosion, while he was being gassed," Dad says.

"Records indicate the execution was complete," Cisco says.

"That's why there wasn't a match," Barry says. "The DNA database only has records of the living."

"He said there was one more person on his list. Who caught him? That could be his next target," I ask.

"Barry, the lead detective," Cait says. Joe.


Barry calls Eddie and finds out that Joe has gone to Iron Heights. "I reverse-engineered an antidepressant to the toxin. I hope you won't need it," Caitlin says. We both then get changed and head to Iron Hieghts.

"I pulled up the specs on Iron Heights Prison. It's maximum security but I think I can talk you through breaking in there," Cisco says.

"I don't think we need you to," I say as we get into there. When we get there, we see Joe on the floor gasping for air. We kneel in front of him as Barry takes out the antidote. He uses it on Joe and then looks at his dad. He vibrates his face so he won't figure out who he is. I look at Mr. Allen to see him watching us curiously. When he looks at me and then Joe worriedly, I nod at him, then turn back to Joe.

He wakes up and whispers, "Go get em" We both smile and quickly leave. We find Nimbus outside.

"So, you both come to finish what the gas chamber couldn't?" Nimbus asks.

"You're going somewhere you can't hurt anyone ever again," Barry says.

"Wrong," He says nod turns to gas. I immediately put up my force field around the both of us.

"I can't keep this around you while you're running," I tell Barry. He was too fast for me to keep it around him.

"Stay away from him. Don't breathe him in," Cait says. As Barry runs away and I teleport next to him.

"Not sure how that helps guys," Barry says. Barry goes to punch him but goes right through Nimbus.

"You can't fight him," Cait says. "Just keep him coming at you that should sap his strength."

I teleport to place farther away and yell, "Hey Gassy! Over here!" He comes towards me but my force field blocks him. Barry then starts running as he goes after Barry. Barry starts running around with the Mist following him. Barry starts running in circles and then stops in front of me. "Seriously!?" I whisper-yell to Barry. Nimbus comes at us and then knocks us over. Then when he reforms, he's out of breath and we knock him out.

"Barry. Livvy." Dad says.

"We win," Barry says.


We are standing outside of the particle accelerator looking at Nimbus in his cell. "Will it hold?" Cait asks.

"The barrier is powered by an 8.3 Testa superconducting electromagnet, which is about 100,000 times the strength of Earth's magnetic field," Cisco says.

"In other words, yes," Dad says. Nimbus suddenly turns do gas trying to leave but isn't able to. When he figures that out, he turns back human and then bangs on the door. "He's mad. Well, goodnight." Dad then closes the accelerator.

"So, were just supposed to get used to working above a makeshift prison housing evil people with superpowers?" Cait asks.

"You'd be surprised what you can get used to, Caitlin," Dad says and wheels away.

"Caitlin," Cisco stops us and looks at me, with a look saying, You stop too. I stop as he continues, "Could I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure," she answers. "What's up."

"It's about the night that Ronnie died," He says.

"Look, Cisco, I'm okay. I thought coming down here would undo me, but thinking about what Ronnie did to protect us. It just made me love him even more," She says and we smile.

"I need ice-cream... or a drink," I say.

"Same," Cisco says.

"Let's see which one hit first," Cait says as we all walk out.

"Let's see which one hit first," Cait says as we all walk out

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