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8.2.2 cursed


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Me and Barry are sitting next to each other on the stairs. "You know you should talk to him," I say.

"No," Barry says. "I don't feel like it."

I turn my face to him, my knees bumping into his. "You're going to have to you know."

"Fine," He says, "Just not now." He then turns to me too, his knees hit mine and I separate mine a little. One of his own knee slices in the space and my opposite one does the same to his, our knees crossing.

"You're acting childish," I say, with a small smile.

He rolls his eyes, but a smile graces his lips. He then looks over at me and his eyes rake my body, taking in my suit. I immediately feel uncomfortable under his gaze. "You know, I really like this suit," He says, with a small smile.

"The boots are really hard to get on," I complain and he chuckles. I had thigh-high boots with blue leather shorts. On top, I had on a top similar to the one Oliver wore except it was navy blue. (Like Thea's suit)

"Still. You look great," Barry says with a smile.

"As opposed to my other suit?" I ask.

"Well, you look great in the other one too, but this one, I don't know, it feels more like you," He says, fiddling with the end of my sleeves.

"It is more like me. I had something similar in the League," I say and he nods. "I'm an archer. Not a superhero."

"You can be both," Barry says, "You are both."

I chuckle, "I'm glad you have so much faith in me Barry, but never trust anyone too much. Not even me."

"I got him. He's in a warehouse at the corner of Infantino and Adams," Felicity says as I get up and move in to her, leaving Barry behind.

"Is that--" Lyla asks.

"A.R.G.U.S. spy satellite?" Felicity asks. "Yeah. Maybe. Thermographic imaging shows ten bodies inside."

"Harkness knows we're coming," I say.

"I can track the cell phone's position with this," Cisco says.

"Cisco, you're with Diggle and Roy," Oliver says as we then turn to leave.

"I'll race you there," Barry says coming up to us.

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