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22.1 leonard snart

1 leonard snart

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"Um, are you seeing this? That's the tube Eddie was talking about," Cisco says. "It's some sort of future power source. That's what's charging up the accelerator."

"Can you shut it down?" Barry asks.

"Do you see a power button anywhere on this thing? Dude, this thing is from the future. It's beyond me. I press, or touch, or cut the wrong thing, I could bring the whole building down," Cisco says.

"Okay. How long until it's fully functional?" I ask.

"Best I can tell, 36 hours," Cisco replies. (Quick A/N: How the hell can he tell?)

"That's when Wells will be back,"
Barry says.

"Why would Wells want the Particle Accelerator to work again?" Joe asks.

"I don't know. It's not like it was such a big success the first time," Cisco says.

"It made me The Flash," Barry says.

"That's not all it did," Caitlin says.


"So what happens if the Particle Accelerator turns on while the meta-humans are in their containment cells?" Caitlin asks.

"They're toast," Cisco says.

"We put them down there and now their lives are in danger because of us," Caitlin says.

"Look, I think you all know I've never been a fan of this arrangement here," Joe says. "I thought the whole plan was to rehabilitate them and set them free."

"It was," Caitlin replies. "We've been a little busy."

"Well, if they stay in there, they die. And if we let them go, they destroy the city," Cisco says.

"We're gonna have to move them."

"Move them where? Iron Heights can't handle meta-humans," Joe says.

"You're right, but Lian Yu can," Barry says. I sigh, in recognition.

"What the hell's a Lian Yu?" Joe asks.

"Lian Yu is the island where Oliver was stranded for five years," I say. "A.R.G.U.S built a covert military prison on it. It's where we sent Captain Boomerang. Oliver keeps his worst criminals there."

"They won't be able to escape, and more importantly, they won't be able to hurt anybody," Barry says.

"Great. So we ship them from one illegal black site to another?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, I- I guess so. Yes," Barry says.

"And how do we move them to Oliver's own private Alcatraz?" Joe says.

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