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14.4 feelings


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Barry takes off his shirt, showing Cait his burn mark. "I think it looks worse than it is," He says and then puts his shirt back on.

"Ronnie or Stein?" Cait asks.

"It's me, Cait. It's both of us. Somehow," Ronnie answers.

"Acceptance is a powerful thing," Dad says.

"Powerful enough to reverse it?" Barry asks.

"We could try," Ronnie says. We then all back up as they un-merge.

"I think we're getting the hang of this quite nicely," Stein says.

Ronnie and Cait hug and then she says, "It's okay. I understand you have to go."

"How'd you know?"

"I'm connected to you too," Cait tells him.


Cait and Ronnie say their goodbyes as Stein walks over to me and Barry. I leave them alone as I go say my goodbyes to Ronnie. "Hey," He says.

"Hey," I tell him. "Leaving so soon, huh?" Ronnie opens his mouth to explain as I interrupt. "It's fine. I know you have to go."

"Thanks. I'll miss you, Nightingale," Ronnie says.

"I'll miss you too. Hey, can I ask you something?" I ask. He nods. "How did you decide what to do for your proposal to Cait?"

"Wait... Are you thinking about proposing to Steve?" Ronnie asks, shock evident on his face.

"Well, I was thinking about it. Who says the guy has to propose? Plus, our life will always be chaotic, there will never be a perfect time to do it," I explain.

Ronnie nods. "Well, I did it in the place we first met," Ronnie explained. "Recreated our first moments, but do something special to your relationship."

"Thanks Ronnie," I say and I hug him.

"No problem," Ronnie says. He glances behind me at something and then turns back to me. "Just... Are you sure you're making the right decision? Make sure you want to be with Steve for the rest of your life, okay?" I nod.

"Ready, Ronald?" Stein says walking over to us.

"Please stop calling me that," Ronnie tells him. Stein kisses Clarissa and then we all walk out. Ronnie and Stein then merge and fly away.


I was walking down the hallway, surrounded by guards, to meet R'as Al Ghul. We walk in front of him and he dismisses all of his guards. "You summoned me," I say.

"Yes. You have been exceptional in your training. Learned years worth of skills in a matter of months. This makes you dangerous," R'as explains.

"You have my loyalty, I-"

"I know I have your loyalty. You very visibly have an obsession. I still want to make sure you are capable of following me. I have assigned someone to keep and eye on you. To keep you... contained," R'as says.

"Meet Alfayiz."


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I am re-bandaging my bullet wounds on both my shoulder and knee. I have a little trouble taking off the bandage on my knee. "Here, let me help," I hear voice say. I look up to see Barry, walking over to me.

"Oh, no. It's-" I stop, when Barry doesn't listen and takes off the bandage anyway.

"You didn't tell me it was this bad," Barry says as he begins to clean the wound and re-bandage it.

"I didn't tell you because it isn't that big of a deal," I say. Barry just chuckles and shakes his head. "What?"

"You.. You, Olivia Wells, are crazy. You know that?" He says, looking at me with a smile. I smile and look down at my lap. I look back up to see him still looking at me. I start to see small flickers of lightning in his eyes, along with a burning sensation in my hands. He quickly averts his eyes as he scratches the back of his neck after he finishes bandaging my knee. He pats my leg as I move it off of the bed, so my legs are now dangling off the edge. Barry then moves to stand in front of me. "All done," He says.

"Thanks," I say. After a few moments of silence, I say, "There's something I need to tell you." Barry nods and looks at me to continue. "Um, so.. you know how, both Steve and his sister are former members of the League, right?" He nods in response.

"Well, the League attacked her yesterday... I.. We need to end this. And there's only one way to do it. We have to go back to Nanda Parbat. So... is it okay if I'm gone for a few weeks?" I ask.

"You can. But... Are you sure this is a good idea with your leg and shoulder just being shot?" He asks.

"I'll wait a while for it to heal, okay? But I have to go," I tell him.

"Okay. I just... I need you to promise me that you'll come back. I- I can't do this alone. I need you. We all do," Barry says.

"I promise I'll come back," I say, with a small smile. He smiles and kisses my forehead before leaving me alone in the room. I sit there, thinking about Ronnie, Steve, and... Barry.

"Are you sure you're making the right decision? Make sure you want to be with Steve for the rest of your life, okay?"

I don't. I love him, I do... but I have feelings towards Barry too, and I have to stop pretending that I don't.

 but I have feelings towards Barry too, and I have to stop pretending that I don't

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