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13.0 real awkward, real quick

0 real awkward, real quick

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"Hey, look," Cisco says as he shows me his phone. He shows me a cat meme.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Well, it's got 3 million views. The cat is so cute," He says. I give him a look completely full of judgement. "Don't give me that look."

"Whatever," I reply. "I've been thinking about getting a job. I need to get my life together. You know Russell?" He nods. "I'm thinking about getting a job as a Professor their for nanotechnology. I have a degree in education anyways. It'll be a good way to make money, cause let's be honest here, saving people doesn't come with a paycheck."

"That's a good idea. You should do it," Cait says.

"Yeah," Cisco says, agrees. "You love kids anyways."

Suddenly the alarm rings. "It's a robbery," Cait says.

"I got it," I tell them. I teleport to the place and teleport the robber to the CCPD. I then teleport back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"We could've called Barry," Cait says.

"Nah, its fine. Where is he anyways?" I ask.

"He... He's on a date," Cisco says.

"A- A date?" I ask, making them nod. "Well, that's um- that's- good for him." I feel something flare in me, but I was the one who told shot him down. This was coming my way, sooner or later. It's probably with the same girl I saw at the bar that day.

"You okay?" Cisco asks.

"I'm fine. I have Steve. And I love him," I say.

"You know it's okay to love two people," Cait tells me.

"Yeah, I do. But, I- I don't love Barry. At least, not in the way you're thinking of."


"Dude, you are a crime- fighting, lady-slaying machine," Cisco says as him and Barry do a little handshake. Me, Steve, and Cait smile at each other.

"Oh, God, it was so cool. She was so cool," Barry said with a grin. He looks really happy. I should be happy for him, too. "We're going on another date tonight."

"Tonight?" I ask. "Really?"

"Aren't you worried about moving too fast?" Cisco asks.

"No. What do you mean?" Barry asks. "It's a second date."

"No, no, no, no, I meant going too fast, hurrying," Cisco says.

"Look, I mean, you're fast, but there's fast, and then there's fast," Steve explains. "Am I being subtle enough?"

"You're really not," Barry answers. Lately, Barry has been much nicer to Steve. They've become friends, -I think- ever since Barry met Linda and I'm really happy they're getting along.

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