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2.0 the canary

0 the canary

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I look at the burning building and run inside. I then I hear Cisco say, "Barry...Barry!"

"What? Did I miss it?" I hear him yell.

"You overshot by about 6 blocks," Cisco responds.

"My bad," Barry says as he makes his way back to me. Till then, I use my force field to protect people as I teleport them out. I make sure I stay away from the fire so when embers from my teleportation and force field fall, they don't upset the fire.

Barry then runs into the building and smiles at me. "Took you long enough," I mutter. Me and Barry turn to a hallway to find fire everywhere.

"I can't go through that," I say, knowing my powers will upset the fire even more.

"Cisco there's fire everywhere! Cisco!" Barry yells. After Cisco doesn't respond, Barry runs through and gets the girl outside. We then finish taking everyone outside and leave.

"Everyone's out," I say into the comms. "What else you got for us Cisco?"

"Guys it's Caitlin," She says through the earpiece.

I sigh as me and Barry share a look. Barry sigh and says, "Heyy Caitlin...How was your day?"

"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Now," She demands. I am ready to teleport but before I do, I wait for Barry to leave. He is about to run but he stops and holds his head, almost as if he got dizzy.

"You okay?" I ask, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"Uh-Yeah," He says as I give him a skeptical look. He just smiles, waving it off and runs back. I teleport myself back as well.

"Have you guys lost your minds?" Caitlin asks us. "Who do you think you are?"

Cisco responds, "Well I'm the eyes and ears, he's the feet, and she's the hands."

"This isn't funny. You could be gotten yourself killed," She says. "And I thought you were smarter than this," She says to me.

"Wha-Cait. My life is boring without vigilantism. And...they convinced me," I said.

"What'd they give you?" She asks.

"They'll be helping me with training," I say.

"Punching dummies," Cisco says and I roll my eyes.

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