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23.1 parallel universe

1 parallel universe

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After me, Barry had gone in to talk to Thawne. Thawne then told him something very interesting.

"The rare opportunity to go back in time and right a wrong and save your mother's life quite the paradox Harrison has presented you with, Mr. Allen," Stein tells him.

"The chance to be with someone you love?" Caitlin says. "Seems pretty cut and dry to me."

"At first blush, Dr. Snow, it would appear so, but this gift has unparalleled risk," Stein says. "Barry, the night your mother died, the night you saved yourself from being killed, that event altered the timeline you were already on and changed the course of history."

"So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel universe?" Cisco asks.

"Just like when I time traveled before," Barry states.

"But he only changed one day that time," Joe says.

"Exactly. Now imagine 15 years of compounded experiences," Stein says. "One different decision, no matter how big or small, impacts everything that follows. Moments upon moments, choices upon choices. No relationships, nothing would be as it is today, and you'd never know the difference because you'd never remember any of it."

"So if I go back and save my mom, my dad doesn't go to prison," Barry says. "I never live with Joe and Iris."

"You might never meet me," Cisco says. "Or Caitlin or Ronnie... Or Liv." At this, Barry's eyes snap to me as we share a look.

"Truth is, there's no real way of knowing what your life will be," Stein says.

"There's no choice here, Barry. You have to do this," Joe says. "You gotta change the past." He then walks out and Barry follows him out.


"Hey, you asked to see me?" I ask, Henry through the phone as I sit down next to him.

"Yeah," Henry says. "Do you know about the- the time-travel thing?"

"Uh- Yeah. I did," I answer.

"What do you think about it?" Henry asks. "Should Barry do it?"

"I- I don't know. I can't make that decision for him. If he goes back and saves Nora, he might not have this life, but if he doesn't, he may never be as happy as he will be with the both of you by his side," I say.

"I tried to convince him to not do it. I don't know if he'll listen though," Henry says with a sigh. "He's always been stubborn."

"I'm just glad you thought you could talk to me about it," I say. "I thought- I thought that you would hate me, now that you know that-"

"You aren't him. You were also a victim, don't blame yourself. And as for Barry, could make sure he thinks through this with a clear mind before he makes a decision?" Henry asks.

"I will," I say. "If you don't mind me asking, Why are you so adamant on keeping this timeline?"

"I just don't want him to go back and save her, only to realize he just threw away the best thing that ever happened to him."

I furrow my brows in confusion. "I'm pretty sure he becomes the Flash regardless of Nora Allen's death," I tell him.

"Not being the Flash. I mean meeting you," Henry says. I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off, "He's been happier since he met you. There's a light in his eyes I haven't seen before. Plus, he will not stop talking about you. "Olivia did this today." "She said this." "Olivia took down two guys in one shot." You have done so much for him, without even realizing it," Henry says, with a smile as I blush.

"I- I'll make sure he's thought through it beforehand," I tell him, changing the subject. I'll make sure he's happy.

 I'll make sure he's happy

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