Complicated: Part 1

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Jessica's P.O.V.

(Cheer outfits ^^)

"Go go go Go wildcats Fight fight fight Fight wildcats Win win win Win wildcats Go, fight, and win!"

Us cheerleaders cheered before the football team huddled up

"I'm so tired" Maggie complained sitting down stretching her legs

"We only have 4 minutes left in the game" I said sitting next to her throwing my pompoms to the side. As the game continued everyone in the stands screamed with excited as my brother made it to home. Confetti flew everywhere before er stood up cheering again

"This outfits giving me wegies" Chantel complained making me laugh

"I find this outfit pretty cute" Kendall said shaking her hips

"You guys are unbelievable" I laughed when we herd the mic

"Thank you everyone and give it up for our amazing football team" The coach cheered into the mic as the cheering from the stands errupted again

"And give it up for our two football players of the year" Coach said before one of justins friends walked on the stand while everyone cheered

"Ooh he's hot. Who's he" Maggie asked

"The quartor back" Chantel butted in "you know the guy Jesse here has been crushing on sense like the 1st grade" Chantel smirkedaking me playfully roll my eyes

"I have not been crushing on him besifes he has a girlfriend" I shrugged

"Nuh uh no he does not she moved away and they wasn't even dating" Chantel smiled. I looked watching him make his speech when i didn't even relised he finished

"NICE BODY" The girls yelled out before turning around my eyes widened as the whole football team looked at me before whistling

But I locked eyes with the only guy i was paying attention to. He looked at me and smiled before walking off the stand.

"I can't believe you guys just did that" I said when someone lifted me off the ground and on their shoulder

"Good job Bieber" Kendall said as Justin's team walked over

"Hello hot mama's" Twist smirked making me roll my eyes as justin put me down

"Wanna come with us to get a bite to eat" Justin asked

"No I'm just gonna go home" I said

"You sure you ok" He asked

"Yes I'm fine just tired" I smiled

"Ok tell mom I'll be home soon" He said before giving me a hug leaving.

"You guys are so dead" I said turing to look back at the girls

"We're sorry but you cant lie we eere right about the nice body" Chantel smiled

"You guys are unbelievable" I laughed shaking my head before grabbing my bag.


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