Chapter 13

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Jack's P.O.V.

"Evertone get suited up and ready we're on the field in 30 minutes" Coach said before walking out. Once i got dressed into my atire i leaned against my locker

"So what's up with you and Jess" Harry asked

"I don't know it's complicated" I said

"What do you mean" Johnson asked

"I don't want her to get hurt" I sighed

"It'll be fine just be careful and hope Justin doesn't find out again" Zayn said

"I don't care what Justin thinks or does but we won't keep me from seeing Jess. I love her and it's different with her" I said

"Did you tell her" Harry asked

"I had to. I didn't wanna keep anything from her" I said

"Just keep her safe G. don't let her slip out your fingers. She's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have her" Gregg said before handing me my helmet.

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Go go go Go wildcats Fight fight fight Fight wildcats Win win win Win wildcats Go, fight, and win!" We cheered as the football players ran through the banner.

We cheered as me kendall and chantel did a few flips before landing in a split

"GO WILDCATS CATS" We cheered before we sat once the game start

"I'm tired" Maggie said slumping down in the grass as i laughed

"Awe come on the game will be ocer soon" I said as she looked at me

"The game just started" She laughed

"Does it look like it's gonna rain or is it just me" Bella asked looking up at the sky

"Don't jinks it" I said as we laughed. I looled back in the crowd to see Justin no where in sight making me frown.

Justin's P.O.V.

"Don't make me ask you again cause this time it won't be so pretty now where is Dalas" I asked staring at this weak bastards stage

"He... He's with the Morgan's. But thats all i know. Please don't kill me" He pleaded. I laughed with no humor before aiming my gun at his head

"Don't worry daddy will be with you soon" I said before shooting him in the head "Clean this up i don't want no trace of him. Burn him if you have to" I said "And when the guys get here tell them we need to habe a big talk" as they nodded

"Yes sir" They said before i walked out. My phone started to ring. I looked at it seeing it was Jessica

"Fuck" I said to myself before taking a deep breath answering

J: Hello

Jess: Justin where are you

J: I had to take care of some business

Jess: Well the game is almost finished get over here now it's cold

She complained making me laugh

J: Ok I'm coming

I said before hanging up. I got into my car before i drove off

Jessica's P.O.V.

"I have to go before my brother gets here. But will you be at my house later" I asked as i wrapped my arms around Jacks neck as he smiled

"Wouldn't miss turn it down for the world" Jack smiled maming me smile before he leaned in presssing his lips to mine in a slow passionate kiss

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