Chapter 44

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"You ready for this" Mom smiled as the doctor called us up

"Ready as I'll ever be" I smiled standing up. While we walked towards the door i herd my name being called

"Jessica" Someone called. Me and mom turned around when i saw it was Jack

"What are you doing here" I asked when mom walked away

"Doesn't mean you're not gonna talk to me I'm gonna leave you alone. And like i said I'm gonna be with you on this" Jack said. I looked at him for a second before smiling

"Ok come on" I smiled before we walked into the room

"Hi I'm Dr Sanders" The doctors smiled before i shook her hand

"Hi. Jessica" I smiled before sitting on the bed

"So you're here for a checkup" She asked looking through her papers as i nodded

"Yes" I smiled

"Do you mind laying back for me" She asked. I layed down before she cut the lights off

"This may be a bit cold" She said before rubbing gel on my stomach. Dr Sanders put the xray on my stomach brfore moving it around

"There it is. Its not really big yet but you can see the little egg" She pointed out smiling "and you're about 2 weeks" She smiled

"So everything is fine" I asked as she nodded smiling

"Everything is perfectly fine" The doctor smiled. When she left i cleaned myself up before looking at mom and Jack smiling

"You ready" Mom asked as i nodded. We walked outside to the car when Jack grabbed my hand

"Can we go talk" He asked when i looked at mom who smiled

"Go. I'll see you later" Mom smiled. We walked towards the nearest food court before walking inside

"You find a seat and I'll get ys something to eat" Jack said as i smiled nodding

"Ok" I smiled before walking off .

Jack's P.O.V.

As i was waiting in line to order i herd my name being called. I turned around seeing it was Victoria. I rolled my eyes turning back around

"Jack" Victoria said walking up to me

"What do you want" I asked refusing to give her eye contact

"We need to talk" She said making me laugh with no humor

"There's nothing to talk about" I said

"Yes there is something to talk about. You're not just gonna screw me one night and get me pregnant then leave" She yelled maming people look this way.

I groaned before grabbing her hand taking her to the corner before letting her arm go

"Ooh i love it when you play rough" She smirked grabbing a hold of me making me shove her off of me

"Listen to me and listen to me now. There's nothing going on between us and there will mever be and how do yoy know if that thing is even mine" I said

"That thing is your child. And last time i checked you're the only one i slept with cause me and logan just started dating and we haven't even slept together yet. And what you're scared you're little naive girlfriend is gonna leave you forever. Well you should've thought about that before you slept with me" She said

"Whatever haooened that night it was a lie and whatever you think in that twisted ass head of yours that I'm gonna be something to you well I'm not. And if anyone is gonna be holding my child it's Jessica" I said before walking away

Jessica's P.O.V.

As i waited for Jack to come back i soon saw him walking over with a frown on his face

"Let's go eat somewhere else" He said

"Why is everything ok" I asked standing up

"Yeah" Jack said when i looled seeing Victoria

"Uh why is Victora here" I asked when she walked over

"So this is why yoy ignored me cause you're with this bitch" Victoria said making people look this way

"Excuse me" I said

"Why won't you just go away don't yoy see he doesn't want you" Victoria yelled

"Really cause last time i checked i wasn't the mistake he found like on the side of the curve" "Ans guess what I'm pregnant to but i guess that wasnt apart of your plan was it" I said

"Really cause guess what your little boyfriend here is gonna be a daddy" She said rubbing her stomach "So let's paint a little picture. We both got waisted went upstairs and he told me how hot i looked. We made out for a little while then had such a hot night together and he didn't once ever think about you" She smiled visiously.

I ran out of the food court before walking outside

"Jess wait" I herd Jack call after me before he grabbed a hold of my hand

"What" I spat

"What's wrong" He asked

"What's wrong. Are yoy serious whats wrong. The fact that this girl claims that she's pregnant with your baby. And she basically humiliated me infront of half the town. So uf yoy wanna be in my and my childs life you fix this mess you got yourself into and get her out of our lives."


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