Chapter 27

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Eat something baby" Cody said handing me a tray of food

"Don't call me that" i said "and I'm not hungry" I said pushing the food away from me

"J- you're upsetting me. Eat your food. Now" He said before taking out a gun.

"Ok" I said lowly before grabbing the tray eating

"There good girl now I'll be back later" He smiled before leaving. Once he left i spit the food out before throwing the tray against the wall

I laid down fiddling with the ring on my finger when i remembered i gave the other half to jack. I pressed the diamond down before closing my eyes.

Jack's P.O.V.

"Where the hell is Jessica" Kendall said

"We need her for the game that starts in literally 10 minutes" Chantel said

"Have you talked to her" Gigi asked looking at me

"No she hasn't answered to any of my calls" I said when i felt a buzz on my finger. I looked down at the ring that Jessicas gave me earlier before i remembered what she told me

"Jessica's introuble" I said before setting my helmet down

"What do you mean she's introuble" Max said

"This ring she gave it to me and said that if she's introuble she'd click it" I said

"She may have hit it on accident maybe she's fetting ready right now" Lucas said

"No shut up and listen to me. She hasn't answered to any of my calls and don't you think that its kinda weird that Cody isn't here either" I said

"What the fuck are you guys talking about what about Cody" Kendall said

"Well how can we find her based off a ring" Logan said

"I Don't know she said Justin gave it to her" I said

"Well shit what are we waiting for lets beat some ass" Johnson said before throwing his helmet

"Wait what about the game" Bella said

"Shit you wanna stay for some stupid game be my guest but Jess is more improtant" Maggie said before following the guys.

Justin's P.O.V.

"What do you mean it buzzed" I asked

"The ring she said you gave it to her and said it tracks whete she is if she's in any trouble" Jack said before I took the ring breaking it

"Why would you do that" Logan asked

"It has a gps it it" I said before plugging it into his computer. I looked scanning through when i saw she was at some warehouse. I groaned rubbing my face "Logan call the men down everybody suit up Jess is introuble" I said before walking out


Once we pulled up at the destinatiin wr got out the van before unloading the truck

"Everybody listen to me. You go in kill everybosy you see. I dont care who or what it is. And find Jessica. And leave that son of a bitch alive" I said before everyone took off

Jessica's P.O.V.

"How would you feel about becoming my wife" Cody said trickling his finger up my leg

"Stop it Cody" I said but he pushed my hands away from me before hovering over me

"If you want to make this hard on you then so be it" He said before taking his shirt off. I shook my head in disbelief

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