Chapter 20

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to an empty bed. I turned to my side seeing a card with a rose next to it making me smile.

I got out of bed before throwing on a shirt and some shorts before walking downstairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing mom maming breakfast while humming lightly

She looked up and smiled

"Hello honey sleep well" She asked

"Yeah" I smiled before sitting down

"So you and your friends are heading up to the beach for the week tonight" Mom asked looking up at me as i nodded

"Yeah" I smiled

"So you never told me you had a boyfriend " Mom smiled

"I don't" I shrugged

"Yeah right. I may be your mother. But I'm not a fool. I saw the way your eyes lit up when we brung the question up" Mom smiled "So when will we meet him" Mom asked making me sigh

"I wish you could but it's complicated mom" I said

"Can I atleast know his name" She asked

"Jack" I said

"Does your brother know him" Mom said

"Yeah. But he doesn't know about us and i wanna keep it that way" I said

"Why's that" Mom asked but before i could say anything Justin walked in

"What you guys talking about" He asked sitting down

"Nothing" I said before mom could say anything

Jack's P.O.V.

"So where were you last night Mr Romeo" Cameron asked

"At Jessica's why" I said

"Oooh somebody got turnt up" Gregg said making me laugh

"Don't you guys get a weird vibe from that new kid" Shawn asked

"No why" Marcus said

"Speak for yourself i do to. He's weird he has no background family nothing" Max said

"And how do you know that" Lucas said

"I may have snooped through his files" Max shrugged

"Ooh what did it say" Dylan asked

"Well he has no family no last name nothing transferred from his last school. It's almost like he's lying about something. And that story about his father seems like total bullshit" He said while i threw my ball in the air

"And do you see the way he always hangs on Jessica" Logan added making me stop looking back at them

"Whay do you mean" I asked

"You never noticed the way he stares at her or talks to her loke some weirdo" Max said

"Do you not notice how he awlays stares at her like he's undressing her in his mind" Lucas said

"Or how he always stares at you with such an envy look when you're around Jessica. He almost act's like he's obsessed with her or something" Shawn said

"So what are you guys tryna say" I asked

"He's weird. And if i were you I'd keeo him away from Jessica. Like as far as possible" Johnson said

"If you guys really wanna find out about him and are so curious how about you look up his background history" Harry spoke

"And how do we do that"

"Just break into the school steal his files then research on him" He shrugged. We looked at him "What. The guy gives me the creeps to alright" He said as we laughed

"But seriously this Saturday when we come back we'll go. But don't tell anybody about this not even the girls".


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