Chapter 22

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Y'all packed and ready to go" Marcus asked as we nodded before heading to the beach. Once we arrived we got out the car before unloading our stuff.

I looked in my bag before grabbing my polaroid camera walking over with the girls

"I'm bout to get me a tan" Chantel smiled before setting up her beach chair. I rolled a blanket over the sand before laying down opening my book

"Ugh you really brung a book to the beach" Kendall said as i smiled nodding

"Yeah it's good for you. You should try it sometime" I said as she faked a laugh. I laughed before looking back at my book when i felt water being splashed on us making me gasp sitting up

"Why would you do that" we yelled before standing up

"Oh come on have some fun" Max smiled. I walked away grabbing me a fresh towel drying my face when I looked up and saw Jack laughing

"Oh this is funny to you" I said before walking away when he grabbed my hand

"Come on babe it was a joke" Jack laughed

"Well it wasn't funny" I said

"Well wanna know something that is funny" He smiled

"What" I asked

"This" He said before tickling me making me laugh trying in attempt to push his hands away

"Stop" I laughed pushing his hands away before he pulled me back pressing his lips to mine. I smiled before pulking away

"Come i wanna show you something" Jack said before pulling me away from everyone else.

"Where are we going" I asked as he walked me into a deserted area

"Here" He said. I looked up seeing a boat. He got on before reaching for my hand

"Come" He said

"I don't wanna get sea sick" I said making him laugh

"You won't I promise" He said before i took his hand. He rowed off before we stopped in the middle of the lake

"Now we're all alone" He smiled

"We could've just went back to the hotel why'd you bring me all the way out here" I laughed

"Cause i felt like it" He said making me laugh shaking my head. Jack looked at me like he was thinking

"What do you have in mind" I asked raising my eyebrows

"How I'm gonna get you to get in the water with me" He said making me laugh

"Yeah that's not happening. If you wantef to be alone why didn't you just say so" I said against his lips making him smile

"Well i had to steal you some how to get you alone" He smirked before pressing his lips to mine hovering over me. He caressed my thigh before sliding his tongue on the bottom of my lip asking for an entrance which i gladly accepted while our tongues faught for a dominance him winning. I smiled before pulling away

"Why you gotta be such a tease" Jack said making me laugh

"Cause i felt like it" I mocked making him laugh

"Oh so that's funny" Jack said before standing up grabbing mt hand before falling back into the water.

I swam back up while Jack laughed

"Why would you do that" I said

"Cause i felt like it" He teased making me laugh as he pressed me up against the boat crashing his lips to mine.

We moved in a slow sync as i wrapped my arms aeound his neck before pulling him closer to me. As things were getting more intense i smiled before pulking away splashing water on to him making him laugh

"I love you" I smiled

"I love you so much more".


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