Chapter 43

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Mom I gotta talk to you" I sighed once I walked into the kitchen

"About what sweetheart" Mom smiled before giving me her full attention

"I know you're gonna be mad or disappointed in me but I promise you I was being careful. But. I'm pregnant" I said looking down waiting for her to explode .

I looked up to see a weird expression on her face

"Why aren't you yelling or freaking out" I asked

"O my god. You're pregnant" Mom smiled before giving me a hug

"Wait you're happy for me" I asked

"Of course I'm gonna be a grandma. But I'm disappointed in the fact that you weren't being safe Jess" Mom said

"I know and I'm sorry I was just contemplating of I should keep it or am I not ready for it yet" I said
"Jess if it's meant for you and Jack right now then it will be" mom smiled "So how did Jack take the news. Was he excited ?" Mom asked

"Uh" I said making mom look up

"Uh what" Mom asked

"Sense we broke up we kinda aren't on talking terms so I didn't tell him anything" I said 

"Well you need to tell him you're carrying his child" Mom said
"How about this we go to his mom's house and talk" Mom said before walking out the kitchen

"Wait what" I said before following her

"Yeah I think it's a great idea he won't come to you so we'll go to him now let's go" Mom said grabbing my hand

"Wait mom do you hear yourself right now" I asked as we walked to the car

"Yes and the best idea is to talk to Jack and tell him the deal" Mom said before getting into the car

I looked in disbelief before hesitantly getting into the car.


"This the house" Mom said once we pulled up

"Yup" I said before we got out. We walked up to the door before mom knocked. The door opened revealing Katherine with a smile on her face

"Oh hi Jessica" Katherine smiled before looking at my mom

"Oh I'm Ms. Bieber" Mom smiled before the shook hands

"Call me Katherine" Katherine smiled before letting us in

"Did you come to see Jack" Katherine asked looking at me

"Actually we want to talk to the both of you" Mom said

"Oh well he'll be back soon he just went with his sister to the store" She smiled before walking into the living room

"So is it something bad" Katherine asked as we sat down

"No but were you aware that they broke up" Mom asked when Katherines smile faded away

"Oh Jess what did he do" Katherine asked

"Lets just put it that he broke a promise" I said when e herd the front door open and Gianna walk in before looking at me smiling

"Hi Jessica" She smiled before giving me a hug

"Gianna where's your brother" Katherine asked

"Right there" She pointed when I saw Jack walk in before looking at us then me

"Do you have anything to say to me" Katherine asked standing up
"N-" Jack was about to say but Katherine cut him off

"Don't lie to me. Were you gonna tell me that you broke up with Jessica" She asked

"Did I have to" Jack said before walking away

"Excuse you get over here and sit down" Katherine sneered

"Bu-" Jack was about to say but she cut him off

"Sit" Katherine said before he sat down. "Now that we're all here let's talk" Katherine finished

"Alright well I don't wanna sugar all this up but Jack I think you might wanna here what Jessica has to say" Mom said

"Well recently you cheated on me with Victoria and she got pregnant" I said

"Wait what" Katherine said

"She's not finished" Mom said

"Well guess what....I'm pregnant to" I said looking at Jack dead in the eyes

"Alright I'm gonna be an auntie" Gianna said

"Gianna go to upstairs" Katherine said

"But mom" She whined

"Gianna now" Katherine said before she groaned walking out

"And you do ou have anything to say for yourself" Katherine asked
"I didn't cheat on you we did nothing together let alone Victoria could be pregnant with anyone's baby" Jack shot

"Oh shut it Jack it takes to people" Katherine said rolling her eyes "are you keep in the baby" She asked looking at me

"Of course I'm keeping the baby" I said "even if it's with or without you" I said looking at Jack who stared at me with an apologetic look

"Oh don't worry we'll help with any costs" Katherine smiled

"But as for now we have to get going" Mom smiled before we walked to the door. We walked outside when I was pulled back. I looked back seeing Jack

"What do you want" I said before walking away

"Can you wait for just a second" Jack asked grabbing my hand

"What so you can say how sorry you are. Well sorry isn't gonna fix a broken heart" I said before turning around

"But she means nothing to me Jessica" Jack said before grabbing my hand

"You mean everything to me and if I have to turn this world upside down for you to realise that then I will" Jack said

"Yeah well I don't know what to believe" I said

"Look I know I admit it I fucked up. But it's not gonna change the way I feel about you. Not. Now not ever. But I'm not giving up on us. And I'll be here every step of the way with you and this baby" Jack said

"Yeah well then prove it" I said  before walking away.


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