Chapter 24

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Jack's P.O.V.

"I cant believe i agreed on doing this" Fredo said as he broke the chain to thr gate of the school

"Whatever happens we make this quick no fucking around" Harry said before we walked into the school building.

"Max shine the light" Harry said before max turned the light on and we herd a creek making Lucas take out a gun

"Dude why do you have a gun" Johnson asked

"Well I'm not dumb enough to go anywhere without it anything could happen" Lucas shrugged before walking into the office before we searched for Cody's files

"Where the fuck is his files my fucking back hurts" Gregg complained as i rolled my eyes before seeing an drive on the table i grabbed it before putting it into my pocket.

"There's nothing here lets go" Logan said

"Wait" Harry said before opening a drawer with more files "Here. Cody" He said before taking it out

"Now lets go" Marcus said before we ran out gettibg into the car

"Alright we head to the company and see what the hell we can find" Harry said before driving off.


"That doesn't make sense everyobody has a background history" Harry said

"Wow we did this for nothing. I told you that we should've just left it alone" Logan said before sitting down.

I took out the drive that i found on the table back at the school from out of my pocket

"What about this" I asked

"Where'd you get that" Gregg asked

"It was on the table at the school" I said

"Plug it in" Harry said. I plugged it in before different files popped up.

"What the fuck is all of this" Marcus said

"I have no clue" Harry said before opening a file and it had documents of Justin.

"What is this" Marcus said "And why is Justin's name on here" He said

"Shhh" Harry said before clicking into a different file and a whole bunch of pictures of jessica popped up of her everywhere

"Woah" was all that was said

"Who the fuck did this" I asked

"I don't know but who ever is looks like they know something and she's the target" Harry said shaking his head. I took the drive out before the screen went black

"Dude what are you doing" Harry said

"I'm not gonna sit here while these pictures are plastered of my fucking girlfriend everywhere" I spat

"Well maybe if you listened to Justin she wouldn't be in this mess" Gregg said before i looked at him

"Really. Oh this my my fault fuck you" I said

"No fuck you" He said

"Fuck youself but I'm glad you're enjoying the show" I said

"Alright both of you stop it" Zayn said

"Jack let me see the flash drive and let me see if i could pull whoever did this up" Zayn asked

"B-" I said but he cut me off

"Please" He said. I sifjed before handing him the drive. He plugged it back in before typing in something when Cody popped up

But he was a cruise

"We need to get Justin and the crew down here now" Zayn said.
My mind shot to jessica before i ran out the room.

I got into my car before i sped off to Jessica's house. Once i pulled up i climbed up to her balcony to see the door open. I ran inside before calling after her

"Jessica" I said but no response "jess" I said before walking into the bathroom to see her in there as she jumped

"What. You scared me" She said before i gave her a hug

"What's wrong" She said

"Look i need you to listen to me. I nedd yoy to stay in your room and don't come out till your brother comes ok" I asked

"Jack what's wrong you're scaring me" She said

"Please stay here" I said before kissing her hwad walking out

"Wait what's going on" She asked

"Jess if you don't listen to me and stay here something is gonna happen please stay and lock yourself in here and close all the shades" I said

"Where are you going" She asked

"Remember that thing we talked about. It's happening and i nedd yoy to stay here where it's safe" I said

"No im coming with you" She said

"No stay i promise I'll be back" I said before leaving

Justin's P.O.V.

Me and the guys walked into the company before I walked into rhe lab

"What's wrong" I asked looling at the guys

"The cruises" Zayn said before i looked at the computer to see pictures of my mom me and..... Jessica

"FUCK" I yelled slamming my hands on the table.


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