Chapter 6

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(Outfits uptop ^^)

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Are you sure we should be here" Kendall conplained as we pulled up at the beach

"Yes im sure you'll be fine" I said before we got out the car. We walked towards where everyone else were deeing music playing people dancing, laughing, or talking enjoying eachother company.

"Hello ladies" We herd someone say. We turned around and saw seeing Zayn Logan and max and Lucas before Zayn hugged Gigi

"Y'all looking fine like always" Lucas smirked looking at me as i playfully rolled my eyes

"Yeah right Lucas" I laughed 

Jack's P.O.V.

"Look who's here" Johnson smiled pointing out. I looked out seeing Jessica with her friends making me smile

"Wanna go say hi" He asked

"Yeah cause you wanna see Maggie" I teased as he laughed shoving me

"Well that to" He said. I laughed before looking back over seeing Jessica walk away

"I'll be right back" I said before walking over to her.

Jessica's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink" I said to the girls before walking away over to the stand. I poured me some punch into a cup.

"Boo" Someone said making me jump a bit before turing around seeing it was Jack

"Hey" I smiled

"You having fun" He asked

"Yeah everything looks amazing I've never seen so many people in one spot without getting into a fight" I said

"The bonfire is about to start you coming" He asked

"Yeah" I said before we walked over to where everyone else was sitting. Gigi grabbed my hand before i sat down with her and the girls.


As the bonfire was going i walked over to the ocean before sitting down. I grabbed a seashell before placing it to my ear hearing the sound of the ocean.

"What you doing alone" I herd someone say. I turnwd around seeing it was Jack as i smiled

"Just looking at the ocean" I smiled as he sat next to me

"You're not having fun" He asked

"It's alright but my friends are more party animals then i am" I said

"So i wanna get to know you" He said before sitting criss cross infront of me making me smile

"What you wanna know about" I smiled

"Anything" He said

"Well I dont have a father i actually never met him. Justin knows more about him then i do. So it's just me my mom and my brother" I said

"I'm sorry" He said

"No it's ok. Justin says he was a douche anyways" I shrugged

"You're really beautiful and sweet.  your boyfriend is very lucky" He said making me smile laughing

"Thanks. But actually I don't have a boyfriend" I said

"I find that hard to believe" He said

"Well it's true" I said

"Girls like you are hard to find" He said

"I guess it's just i haven't found somebody that I'm looking for. You know. I just want it to be right" I said

"Yeah. Somebody who gets you. And understands you" He said making me smile nodding

"Yeah. You undersrand unlike most men who chase after you for your body" I said "But you get me" I said staring into his eyes.

"If you're not busy can I take you out tomorrow night" He asked making me smile nodding. We stared at eachother as everything felt silent.
He put his hand on my cheek before leaning in pressing his lips to mine.


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