Complicated Part 2: Chapter 30

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I walked into the kitchen before seeing mom baking cookies humming. She looked up and smiled once she saw me

"Hello sweetheart" Mom smiled

"Hi" I smiled before sitting down

"So you excited for today" Mom smiled

"Yeah. But I don't wanna leave" I said

"I know but that's the whole point of growing up" Mom said "but just remember that you're always welcome to come and stay as long as you want. doesn't mean you moved out doesn't mean you forget who raised you" Mom said as i laughed

"And I know. And i won't" I smiled

"So... When will i get to meet this young man who stole your heart" Mom smiled before looking up at me

"Mom we talked about this" I said but she cut me off

"Uh uh uh. We talked about after a few months of you guys dating i could meet him. But you've been dating for over year now. And i wanna get to know him" She said

"Really. Now" I asked

"Of vourse he must be special if he's keeping you up all night" She smiled

"But he isn't even in town" I said

"Well he'll be back" She smiled

"Ok mom I gotta go" I laughed getting up

"You can run but I'm not gonna keep bugging you" Mom laughed before giving me a hug "I love you" She said

"I love you more" I said before walking outside to my car. I waved goodbye before driving off.


"Ooh I love it" Maggie smiled staring up at our new condo that me and the girls got together

"And here is the last box" Max said as the rest of the guys slumped on the floor

"Why do you have so much junk" Lucas said

"It's not junk it's prada" Kendall said as I laughed shaking my head walking up to my bedroom.

I set my box down before looking aroind smiling. I walked out on the balcony admiring the LA view

"Miss me" I herd someone say before i turned around and smiled

"Jack" I smiled before running over to him giving him a hug as he lifted me off the ground spinning me around. I laughed as he set me down before i wrapped my arms around his neck

"I missed you so much" I said

"I missed you so much more" He smiled. I smiled before leaning in pressing my lips to his in a slow passionate snyc. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me closer deepening the kiss.

He laid me on the floor before hovering over me. I smiled before pulling him away

"We're not about to do this on the floor" I laughed

"Well worth the shot" He said making me laugh slapping his arm

"You're stupid" I laughed

"But you love me" He smiled

"Hmmm do I" I said making him laugh tickling me

"I'm kidding" I laughed shoved Jacks hands away from me

"Yeah that's what i though" He said before i mocked him pecking his lips

"I love you" He smiled

"I love you more" I smiled.


Complicated · JG FanficWhere stories live. Discover now