Chapter 3

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Stop stealing my food" I whined slapping Justin's hand away from my plate

"Well you're not eating it" He shrugged

"Mom tell Justin to stop stealing my food" I said

"You guys still act like little kids" Mom laughed shaking her head

"Are you staying for the BBQ tonight" Mom asked

"No i actually have plans tonight with the girls" I said standing up

"What about you Justin" Mom asked

"Nope but now that you think about it I'm not staying and listen to grandpas boring hour stories" Justin said before grabbing his keys and jacket

"Sayonara ladies" Justin said before leaving

"Ill be home before 9 mom" I said before giving her a hug

"If I'm not home when you get here I'll be out with your aunt but if you happen to get hungry I'll leave a couple cash on the counter" She smiled before kissing my cheek

"Love you see you later" I smiled before leaving


"Ugh do we really have to be here" I asked as me and the gurls pulled up infront of the urth cafe

"Yes and besides I'm hungry" Maggie said before we got out the car. We walked up to the door when Chabtel stopped us

"Look who's here" Chantel pointed out. We looled in the mirror when i saw Jack and his friends

"Yeah I'm going home" I said but Kendall grabbed my hand pulling me back

"No we're gonna eat" She said before pulling me inside with her

Jack's P.O.V.

"So you coming to the bonfire tomorrow night" Cameron asked

"I don't know" I shrugged

"Oh come on you always go" Johnson said

"I know you loosers may not be going but as for me I'm gonna get drunker then a bitch" Gregg said making people look this way as i laughed

"Yeah well Good luck with that" I laughed

"But I'm bringing this girl i met at the game the other day and i wanna get your advise in what i should get her" Gregg said

"What about flowers" Johnson said

"No flowers are wack" Cameron said

"No they're not girls love flowers" Johnson said

"No they don't" Camron faught back

"Yes they do here i showed you" He said when a group of girls walked by

"Hey" Johnson said as they turned around

"Do you like flowers" He asked

"From you" The girl said making the guys laugh

"No seriously do you like it when a guy gives girls flowers" He asked

"I do" The girl spoke up as we looked up

"I mean... Yeah... I guess" She said befoee turning around pulking her friend

"Yeah i do to" She said before they walked away

"See told you" Johnson said

"You know those girls" Shawn asksd

"No" I said

"They're the cheerleaders for our school the girl that yelled nice body to you"Gregg said

"That was her" I asked

"Yeah" Cameron said

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Hey" We herd someone say as we turned around

"Do you like flowers" He asked

"From you" The Kendall said making the guys laugh

"No seriously do you like it when a guy gives girls flowers" He asked

"I do" The I spoke up as everyone looked at me

"I mean... Yeah... I guess" I said before turning around pulling on  kendalls arm

"Yeah i do to" Kendall said before we walked away

"That was so embarrassing" I said as we sat down

"It was cute actually. A guy asking how to shower a girl to make them happy" Chantel shrugged

"Are they leaving" I asked

"Wow" Kendall said

"What" I said

"He's coming over" She smiled when i looked back seeing him come before looking back around

"Hey" Jack said looking at me smiling

"Thanks on the opinion for the flower thing. And i saw you guys at the game the other night you guys fans of football" He said

"Actually We're the cheerleaders" Kendall said "But Jessica loves football" Kendall smiled

"Really" He asked looking at me

"Uh yeah i know a thing or two about it" I studdered

"Maube i can show you a thing or two about it after school tomorrow" He smiled

"Um" I said

"Yeah she'd love to" Kendall said but before i could say anything she kicked my leg under the table

"Alright well I'll see you tomorrow" He smiled about to walk away when he stopped

"Oh and here" He said before taking out a rose handing it to me making me smile

"Its kinda bent" He said making us laugh

"Thank you" I smiled. He smiled before leaving. We looked at eachothet before squealing

"He just basically asked you out on a date" Kendall smiled

"Ok it isn't a date its just talking after school" I laughed

"Yeah its a date" Gigi said.


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