Chapter 36

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I put the last finishing touches to my makeup before walking out putting on my outfit for tonight

I put the last finishing touches to my makeup before walking out putting on my outfit for tonight

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(Outfit ^^)

I was kind of nervpus for tonight judginng on me meeting Jack's mom for the first time was kind of nerve recking knowing who knows whats gonna happen.

As i was putting my shoes on I herd a knock at the door. I walked downstairs before walking to the door opening it revealing Jack.

"Wow" Was all he said

"What is it to much? Should i change" I sais when he grabbed my hand

"No. You look beautiful" Jack smiled "you ready"

"Yeah" I smiled gathering my things before we walked out.


Once we arrived infront of his house i looked around and smiled at how everything looked so modern and nice and quiet.

We walked up to the front door before he opened it as we walked inside. I looked around in awe

"You must be Jessica" I herd a voice say making me turn seeing a lady with brunette hair say smiling at me

"Hi it's so nice to meet you Ms Gilinsky" I smiled

"Please call me Katherine Jack's told me all about you it's so good to meet you" She smiled before surprisingly giving me a hug

"Now make yourselfs at home dinner will be ready soon" She smiled before walking into the I'm assuming kitchen.

A girl walked downstairs when she looked at me and smiled

"Oh Jessica I'd like it to meet Gianna my little sister" Jack smiled

"So this is the pretty girl you wanna marry" Gianna said before walking over to me holding out her hand before I shook it

"Hi I'm Gianna. The normal one in the family" Gianna smiled as Jack shoved her making me laugh

"Ok guys dinners ready" Katherine smiled


"So Jessica how long have you been living here in LA" Katherine asked

"For about five years now with my brother and mom" I smiled

"Where's your dad" She asked making me sigh

"Mom" Jack said as I shook my head

"No it's fine. Actually I never met my dad. He passed away when I was born so my brother knows more about him then I would" I said

"Oh- I'm so sorry - I didn't know" Katherine apologized

"No its totally fine. Honestly" I smiled

"So have you been thinkin bout putting a ring on it Jack" Katherine said making Jack choke on his drink

"Mom we talked about this" He laughed

"Well you started the conversation about it yesterday" Gianna said making me laugh while they argued


"I had really fun tonight" I smiled as me and Jack walked up to my doorstep

"I'm glad you did cause I did to" He smiled "So this weekend the guys and I were gonna head up to the lake house for the weekend and you should come" Jack asked

"But isn't that your guy thing" I asked

"Well not anymore" Jack smiled making me smile

"I'll think about it" I smiled before pecking his lips before walking up to my door opening it

"See you tomorrow" I smiled
"So that's a yes" Jack smiled

"What do you think" I laughed before closing my door.


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