Chapter 15

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I barely could sleep last night do to what i saw.  I walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror seeing my eyes were blood shot. But nothing that makeup couldn't hide. I got myself cleaned up before putting my outfit on for today

(Outfit up top)

I grabbed my bag and phone before walking downstairs

"Hey Jess you ready" Justin asked as i nodded before walking oht to the car


"I'll see yoy after school ok" Justin asked as i grabbed my bag nodding. As i was about to get out the car Justin grabbed a hold of my arm

"Hey What's wrong" He asked

"Nothing" I said refusing to give him eye contact

"Look at me" Justin said before turning my face his way. I looked him in the eyes when his face softened

"You've been crying J what's wrong did somebody do something to you" Justin said

"No I'm probably just getting sick" I said "I'll see you later love you" I said before getting out the car.

I walked into the school before going over to my locker. I opened it seeing a banquet of roses. I sighed before closing it walking away

"Jess" I herd the sound Jack's voice call but i kept walking "Jessica wait" He said before pulling my arm "did you hear me calling you" He asked but i looked down at the ground

"Jess what's wrong"  He asked trying to touch me but i moved away

"I need to get to class" I said about to continue walking but he grabbed my hand

"Jess what's wrong what did i do" He asked "Jess look at me" Jack said before putting his hand on my cheek lifting my face up "You've been crying. What happened"He asked

"Just getting sick" I said when the bell rang "I'll see you later" I said walking off

Jack's P.O.V.

"Look who's here" Cameron said
I looked back seeing Jessica

"Ill be right back" I said before walking away

"Jess" I called out but she kept walking "Jessica wait" I said before running up to her grabbing her hand "Didn't you hear me calling you" I asked but she looked down at the ground

"Jess what's wrong" I asked as i reached to touch her she backed up making me frown

"I need to get to class" She said about to walk away when i grabbed her hand

"Jess what's wrong what did i do" I asked "jess look at me" I said before lifting her face up staring into her eyes to see she's been crying "You've been crying. What happened" I asked but she ignored

"Just getting sick" She said before the bell rang "I need to get to class see you later" She said before walking away.

I walked away when i saw kendall at her locker before i walked over to her

"Ken" I said when she turned around

"Oh hey Jack What's up" She asked

"What's up with Jessica did i do something she won't talk to me" I asked

"Uh i don't know nothing" She said about to walka way when i grabbed her arm

"Ken please" I said making her sigh

"Last night. She saw you" She said. I stared at her confused

"Saw me what" I said

"Saw you at the shack last night" She said makjng mt eyes widen before i grabbed her hand pulling her to the corner

"What do you mean she saw me at the shack" I said

"She saw you kill somebody" She said

"Why did you take her out there why did you even go out there" I said

"I didn't take her out there she asked justin to take her but he didn't so she followed him and when she did she saw you" She said making me groan

"Whag am i supposed to do" I groaned

"Talk to her. She's worried about you" Kendall said making me sigh.


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