Chapter 12

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Me and Jack walked hand in hand over to the field

"So i wanna ask you something" I said as he looked at me

"Whats wrong" He asked as we walked behind the bleachers before we sat down

"My brother talked to me about the jocks and he told me they'd turn you into something bad. And i wanted to know if you know what that means" I asked as he sighed

"You know your brother was a jock right" Jack asked as i nodded

"Yeah" I said

"Well the only main reason Justin doesn't want you to know is because the crusises will find you and they will hurt you. Badly jess." Jack studdered

"What do you mean bad" I asked

"Brian's girlfriend got kidnapped by the cruises and they hurt her. Bad. They raped her. Beat her. tortured her then killed her right on camera then sent it to Brian now he wants revenge. So thats why they don't know about you or your mother so Justin goes by the name of Jason McCann and i go by the bame of Jeff Garcia" He said

"Does your parent's know" I asked as he shook his head

"No.. I do it for my father. They killed my father like it was nothing" He said as i wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes

"I don't want you to get hurt jay. Please let me help you" I asked caressing his cheek

"I'll be fine Jessica i promise" Jack said caressing my cheek

"Promise me no matter what happens in the future. you'll come back to me" I said as he nodded

"I promise I'll always go back to you" Jack smiled caressing my cheek. I leaned in before pressing my lips against his.

"What y'all doing hiding" Harry said him and kendall walking over as we pulled away

"You ready for practice" Harry asked looking at me for a slip second the Jack

"Yeah" Jack nodded before looking at me "I'll see you later" He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek leaving with Harry.

"Why you two hiding" Kendall asked sitting down

"No reason" I shrugged

"I know you're lying" Kendall laughed "What's up you can tell me" She said

"Has Harry ever told you anything that nobody knows about" I asked

"Like" She said

"Secrets about him and the jocks" I said as her face softened

"Jack told you didn't he" Kendall asked before sitting next to me

"Yeah and I'm worried somethings gonna happen to him" I said on the verge of crying

"It's gonna be ok. And i know you worry but they're gonna be fine" She said

"You sure" I asked as she nodded smiling softly

"I promise" Kendall smiled "Now wanna head to the mall before the game" Kendall asked as i nodded

"Yeah" I said before we got up and left


"Ooh get this. No get this" Kendall said as i laughed

"No. I don't need that" I laughed going towards the changing room

"So tomorrow we're going to the movies you down" Kendall asked as I took my shirt off

"Probably not" I said

"Ouch what happened to your back" Kendall said before I looked at my back through the mirror

"Probably when me and Jack were out at the lake i guess" I shrugged as she smirked

"Oh and what exactly were you doing on your back" Kendall asked. I looked at her and smiled when her eyes widened before she smiled

"Oh. Oh my god were you ok did he hurt you." She asked

"No. No he didn't. He made me feel safe and happy like we were the only two in the world. Like it's different with him" I smiled putting my shirt back on

"You ready" Ken asked as i nodded

"Yeah lets go".


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