Chapter 37

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Alright thrash the last of it" I smiled as me and the girls put the last of our things into the van

"Do you seriously need this much stuff for a 3 day weekend" Kendall asked looking at Bella who was stuffing three different bags into the car

"Uh duh you never k ow if we get stuck somewhere I've seen to many horror movies" Bella said. We looked at each other before laughing getting into he car.


"Are we gig the right way" Kendall asked while Maggie drove

"I'm the driver I know where I'm going" Maggie said

"Well I don't think three hours of driving I a lake house means you know where you're going" Kendall said makjg me laugh when the car soon came to a halt

"Why'd you stop" Chantel asked

"Cause we're here" Maggie smiled before getting out the car. I smiled before getting out going to the trunk before grabbing my bags.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist making me jump

"Surprise" I herd the sound of Jack's voice whisper in my ear making me smile before I turned around

"Hi" I smiled when he leaned in placing his lips to mine in slow passionte sync

"Ugh get a room" Gregg said before shoving us out the way. I laughed before grabbing my bags walking inside the Lake house

"Wow how nice and vintage" Kendall smiled before she walked upstairs. I followed when she walked into a big room with three queen size beds

"I call the bed in the middle" Chantel said

"I guess I'm getting the bed by the window" I said before placing my bag on top of the bed

"Guys come downstairs Dylan wants you guys to meet some people" Gigi said poking her head through the door. We nodded vefore walking downstairs hearing talking

"There you guys are" Dylan smiled

"You guy's alrwady met Victoria" Logan said "This is her brother Adrian and this is Jillian Victoria's friend" Logan smiled

"Its nice to meet you guys" Kendall smiled before looking at me

"The boy kinda hot" She whispered making me laugh wgen everyone looked at me. I cleared my throat before smiling

"It's nice to meet you guys" I smiled when the guy Adrian stared at me like he was reading a book. Whule everyone started a conversation Adrian walked over to me

"Hi I'm Adrian" He smiled before holding out his hand

"Jessica" I smiled shaking his hand

"Jessica... What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you" He smiled "What you doing all alone d-" Before he could finish Jack and Max walked over

"Hey Baby" Jack smiled before pecking my lips when he looked up at Adrian

"Who are you" He asked

"Adrian" He said smiling

"Cool" Was all Jack said shurgging before looking at him with a look of 'get away'

"I'll talk to you later Jessica" He smiled before walking away

"I'll talk to you later Jessica" Jack mocked making me laugh shoving him

"Stop being rude" I laughed

"What a weirdo" Max said as they laughed while I plafully rolled my eyes

"Guys stop it's his first day here leave him alone" I laughed

"But he needa loosen up and stop acting like a geek" Max said

"You guys are weirdos I'm gonna take a shower" I laughed shaking my head.


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