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Jessica's P.O.V.

"As these brilliant and bright students stand today and leave us all to do something new gice it up for our 2015 highschool graduates" Principle Adams's said before everyobody stood up cheering

"And your speech Jessica" Mr Adams's said as i smiled walking over to the mic.

"Hello everybody I'm jessica bieber and i forgot my speech at home so I'll just wing it" I said as everyone laughed

"I think this year I've learned and experienced a lot. The older I've gotten the more I've realised what I'm capable of doing. And now look at us.. We're leaving and starting our own new lifes. So who knows what happens next. But I know it may be a bumpy ride. But we'll make it" I said "Thank you"

Everybody stood up before before giving a big round of applause

"Now as you all May stand" Mr Adams said before we all stood up

"You all are free good job" Mr Adams said. We smiled before throwing our hats in the air.

Now this is our new start of the begining.


Mystery Guy P.O.V.

Jessica. Oh jessica i didn't think you thought this was over yet. Cause the fun just begun and soon enough you will be mine.

I stared down at her picture smiling before setting it with the rest.

And nobody is gonna stop me from coming for you. Not your friends. Brother. Or your prissy boyfriend.


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