Chapter 40

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I looked down at the test seeing it was positive. This can't be true. I mean I'm happy and all but what if Jack doesn't wanna have a child right now. That could ruin our whole relationship.

"Babe i was think about wearing this to the party tonight" Jack said walking into the bathroom making me hide the test in my pocket when he looked at me "What's wrong" He asked

"Nothing" I smiled standing up "And go with this one i like it better" I smiled kissing his cheek before walking out the bathroom

"Are you sure you're ok" He asked

"Yes I promise I'm fine" I smiled


We walked into the lodge where the party was hosted as i looked around smiling at everyone while they all had a good time.

"I'll go get us some drinks" Jack smiled as i nodded brfore he walked away

"Hey" Someone said maming me turn to see it was Victoria

"Oh hi" I smiled

"We haven't really got to talk much" She smiled

"I know" I said trying to talk over the loud music

"So how long have you and your boyfriend been together" Victoria asked

"For two years" I smiled

"Must be nice. You guy's are cute" She smiled

"Thank you. So where's Logan" I asked

"Hanging with his friends and i just left cause i didn't wanna bother" She shrugged as i nodded

"Hey Jess" Chantel smiled before grabbing my hand

"It was nice talking to you-" I smiled when i saw she was gone

"What are you looking at" Chantel asked

"Victoria was just right there" I said

"Where" She said

"I was just talking to her then she left" I said

"Well that girl is weird anyways so come" Chantel smiled before we walked away

During the party i looked in search for Jack but was no where to be found

"Hey J do you know where Jack is" I asked before he looked around

"I literally just saw him with Logan" Johnson said "Maybe he went back to the Lake house" He said

"But he's not answering his phone" I said

"It's fine he probably just went to the bathroom after all that shit he's been drinking" Johnson said

"Jess come the game is about to start" Kendall yelled

"Yeah. Come on" Johnson said before pulling me along with him to the table where everyone else was

Victoria's P.O.V.

"Come lets go have some fun" I said before pulling Jack into the bedroom

"Wait but what about Jessica" He groaned before stumbling into the room

"Jessica isnt here right now its just me and you" I smiled

"No. Stop i have a girlfriend" He slurred

"Please you can't even think straight" I said before pushing him on the bed before i straddled him

"Tonight we'll have our own party" I said whispering in his ear when his phone started to ring. I picked it up seeing it was Jessica

"You won't be needing this anymore" I smiled before texting her

J: Out for a ride be back soon

I texted before turning his phone off. I looked down to see he was out like a light. I smiled to myself before pulling off his clothes along with my own before laying down next to him.


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