Chapter 11

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"I'll see you later" Justin said as he pulled up at the school "And Don't forget what i told you" He said. I just rolled my eyes about to get out when Justin grabbed my arm

"I'm serious Jessica trust me" Justin said. I looked at him and nodded

"Ok" I nodded brfore grtting out the car walking inside the school building

"Jess" I herd kendall say making me turn around

"Hey are you ok" I asked

"No we got detention" She groaned "Did you get introuble" She asked as i walked to my locker

"By Justin yes" I said

"What happened" She asked "Did he find out about you and Jack" She asked as i nodded

"But its bad ken" I said as her face emotion turned into concern. But before she could speak we got interrupted by her boyfriend and a couple of the guys

"What up hoes" Max smiled draping his arm around my neck

"What do you guys want" I asked taking Max's arm off my shoulder before opening my locker seeing a banquet of roses making me smile

"Somes got a secret admirer" Max cheered before taking the card out my hand

"Max give me the card back" I said reaching out for the card as he put his arm back

"Roses are red violets are blue you're sexy so go out with me" He said maming me laugh snatching the card out his hand

"First of all that doesn't even make sense and thats not what it says" I laughed

"But really though who's this guys who's giving you flowers" He asked taking one from the banquet

"Someone" I said taking the rose out his hand before placing them back in my locker closing it

"Well sesne we all have detention lets go to the library" Brandon shrugged

"Yeah imma pass" I said

"Oh come on you were apart of it to the least you could do is join the fun" Logan said before pulling me into the library to see everyone else that was apart of the food fight there.

"Well look what we have here a family reunion" Dylan said before sitting down

"Quiet everyone" Coach said walking in before we sat down "Now you all will sit here for the rest of class and after school you all will be cleaning the cafeteria" He said

"Isn't there some party going on there" Lucas asked

"Yeah and thats why you guys are cleaning it" Coach said before leaving.

"Surprise hoes we're here" Cameron yelled walking in.

"I can't believe i have to sit here cause of you" Gregg said lokkong at max

"Me. Lucas was the one who threw food at me" Max shot as i sighed rolling my eyes

"While you weirdos complain I'm getting a book" I said standing up

"Ok nerd" Dylan said. I faked a laufh before hitting him upside the head. I walked into the isles before looking for a book to read.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist making me jump

"Hello" He whispeted in my ear making me smile. I turned around seeing it was Jack.

I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling up at him before he leaned in pressing his lips to mine before moving in a slow sync.

He slid his hands down my back before keeping a firm grip on my ass making me gasp moaning lightly in his mouth giving him an opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth.

He pressed me up against the book shelf before the kiss got more intense. I put my hand on his chest before pulling away as he kissed down my neck making me laugh

"Stop somebody's gonna see" I laughed pulling him away

"You coming to the game tonight" Jack asked as i nodded

"Well I am the cheerleader aren't I" I said as he smirked laughing

"Well well well what do we have here" I herd dylan say before we looked and saw it was Dylan and Cameron

"To book worms making out" Cameron smiled. I playfully rolled my eyes before shoving them out my way walking away.


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