Chapter 5

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(Jessica ^^ Played by Renee herbert)

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(Jessica ^^ Played by Renee herbert)

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Good practice See you guys tomorrow" I smiled

"Meeet at Maggies tonight" Kendall smiled giving me a hug before she left. I packed my things up about to walk away when i herd my name being called

"Jessica" Someone said. I turned around and saw it was Jack walking up to me

"Oh hey" I smiled

"Hey. You didn't think i was joking about football did you" He asked making me smile "You ready" He asked as i nodded smiling

"You know about what happened the other day at the game I'm sorry i-" I said but he just laughed

"It's fine i thought it was cute" He smiled

"Really" I said as he nodded

"Yeah I like that about a girl they speak what they feel instead of hididng it or fronting about it" He smiled

"Do you know how to throw a football" He asked

"Kind of" I said

"Here I'll show you" He said placing the ball in my hand before walking behind me putting his hands into mine

"So you wannna make sure your hands are even with the white lines on the ball" He explained "Then throw it" He said before we threw the ball

"You did it" He smiled making me laugh

"We did it" I said giving him a high five. We stared at eachother for a second before i cleared my throat.

I wlaked over to the benches grabbing my duffle bag

"Oh so theres this bonfire tonight that me and a couple of friends were going to tonight and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me" He asked

"Yes I'd love to" I said making him laugh smiling "I mean sure I'll come" I said

"Ok I'll see you tonight" He smiled.


"He asked you out" Gigi gushed

"He didn't ask me out he just asked if i wanted to come" I shrugged laughing

"And what did you say" Maggie asked

"I said yes" I said

"You know he likes you" Kendall smiled

"No he doesn't i mean he's popular and besides my brother would freak out if i had a boyfriend" I said

"And you're popular to do you see how many men trail behind you and he happens to be one of them" Chantel smirked

"And your brother can't keep you from dating somebody" Kendall said

"Tuh..yes he can" I said as they laughed "But you guys should come too" I said

"No its supposed to be you and him not drag your friends along" Selena said

"Ok i wasn't supposed to say anything but i herd Jack johnson ask about you" I said to Maggie i smiled

"Shut up. You're joking right" She said

"Nope" I smiled making her squeal

"Shut the fuck up. MOM" She yelled before running out the room as we laughed


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