Chapter 4

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I was woken up this morming with the door ringing. I put my blanket ocer my hwad trying to fall back asleep but the ringing repeated

"Justin can you get the door" I yelled but didn't get an answer. I groaned before getting out of bed. Once my bare feet hit the cold tile i got goosebumps down my back.

I walked downstairs to the door before opening it

"WHA-" I yelled but cut myself off when i saw it was Jack and some guys

"Umm what are you doing here" I asked

"Well me and Justin are supposed to be leaving soon" He said kind of awakwardly but got pushed

"Well hello there" A guy said. I rolled my eyes before cutting him off before he said anything else

"I'll go get him for you" I said before closing the door. I walked into Justin's room seeing him sleep. I grabbed a pillow before hitting him with it

"Wake up wake up" I said

"What are you doing" He asked sitting up

"Your friends are downstairs" I said

"Ok and" He said laying back down

"Get up they're waiting for you" I said but he didn't answer "I'm pregnant" I said making his eyes shoot open before he shot up

"You're what" He yelled

"I'm just kidding but get up" I smiled before throwing the pillow at his head he was about to throw it at me but missed making me laugh

"Haha missed me" I said before walking out

Jack's P.O.V.

"Who's the girl" Johnson asked

"Looks like she's Justin's sister" Cameron said

"Well she's hot" Gregg said as we looked at him "What"

"Don't you have a girlfriend" Shawn asked

"We're not even dating and i can still think she's hot" He said

"Well let Justin catch you trying to get with her it'll be your funeral" Cameron laughed before the door opened revealing Justin

"Finally" Twist complained before walking inside. We walked in before i saw Jessica walk downstairs

"Justin I'm leaving" She said. She looled up as we locked eyes before smiling. She looked away before waving leaving.

"She's hot" Gregg blurted as the guys laughed but stopped once Justin looked at them

"Let me make something clear to you guys. She's my little sister and i protect her from idiots like you. So that mean no fooling around with her that goes for all of you" He said before looking at me then  walking away.

Justin's P.O.V.

"I'm leaving Justin" Jessica said walking downstairs. I nodded as she gave me a hug. I stared at her as her and Jack stared at eachothet smiling before she looked away. I stared at gim for a couple second before looking back at Jess

"Bye guys" She smiled before leaving

"She's hot" Gregg blurted as the guys laughed but stopped once I looked at them

"Let me make something clear to you guys. She's my little sister and i protect her from idiots like you. So that mean no fooling around with her that goes for all of you" I said before looking at Jack then walking away.


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