Chapter 49

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2 Months later 

Jessica's P.O.V

"And that's the last of it" Justin said putting my bag into the trunk before closing it. I smiled before he gave me a hug " Be careful ok" Justin said making me playfully roll my eyes 

"Ill be fine" I smiled as the girls walked out the house putting their things into the back seat 

"Do you really have to go it wont be fun without you guys" Lucas said slumping out the house 

"We'll be back soon" Chantel said 

"Oh i was talking about Jessica" Lucas said making me laugh as Chantel shoved him walking over to the car

"Do you really have to go" Jack pouted making me laugh smiling before wrapping my arms around his neck

"Yes but I'll be back in three days i promise" I smiled

"Promise to call me as soon as you arrive" Jack said as i nodded

"I promise" I smiled before pecking his lips about to pull away when he pulled me back deepening it. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away

"Let's go jess" Chantel called before getting into the car. I saved before getting into the car when Maggie honked before driving off

Once we arrived at the academy we got out the car

"Wow it's looks so amazing" Kendall said staring up at the building

We got our bags out the car before walking inside

"You must be Jessica" A guy with an amazing Italian accident said walking over to us

"Welcome to Los dela rose fashion academy" He smiled "May my assistant show you guys to your rooms" He smiled when I saw Adrian

"Isnt that Victoria's brother" Kendall whispered

"Yeah" I said when he walked up to us

"Hi guys" He smiled

"Hey Adrian what are you doing here" Gigi asked

"Oh I'm helping my uncle out sense his real assistant is sick" He smiled "your bags" He asked gesturing to my bags

"I got them" I smiled making him smile

"No I do" He said before taking them from my hands. The girls looked at me smiling making me roll my eyes before we followed him up the stairs

"So here's your bedrooms" Adrian smiled before he put my bags on my bed

"Thank you Adrian" I smiled

"You don't have to thank me" Adrian smiled. He stared at me for a second when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID seeing it was Jack making me smile

"I'll leave you to get settled in" Adrian smiled as I nodded before answering the phone

Adrians P.O.V.

I walked out of Jessica's room before leaning against the wall listening to her conversation

I smirked to myself before fiddling with the ring on my finger

"Its time" I said to myself before walking away.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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