Chapter 25

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"JESSICA" I herd the sound of Justin's voice call out before i herd him run up stairs knocking in the door "Jess" He said.

I opened the door before he embraced me in a hug

"Justin what's going on" I said making him sigh

"Nothing j-" Justin started but i cut him off

"No stop hiding things from me and tell me what is going on" I said. He sat me down before sitting next to me.

"Before dad died he'd always would take me with him to see what he did during the days when he wasn't at work. And he tild me when I got older I would own the company. So when dad died I took over and I wanted revenge on the people who killed my father. When i found out it was the Cruises and ever sense it's always been bad blood. I promised myself to protect you guys from anything. But tonight i feel like i failed at doing it" He sighed

"You didn't fail at doing anything if anything you've made mom and I happy and safe. So you didn't fail at it. But why would you keep this from me" I asked

"Because what's going on right now is why. If they ever knew there was a girl in my life they'd take you and do god knows what to you. Thats why I'm trying everything in my power to keep you safe" He said as i nodded understanding

"You didn't tell me you got a tattoo" Justin said staring at my shoulder "when'd you get it" He asked

"Oh when i was with the girls" I said as he nodded

"But seriously for now get some rest ok and I'll have everything under control. I promise I'll let nothing happen to you" Justin said before kissing my head getting up before walking out the room.

I sighed when I herd a knock at my window. I looked and saw it was Jack. I ran over to the window before opening it giving him a hug as he hugged me like it was his last

"I was worried that you wouldn't come back" I said

"Nothing's gonna keep me from coming back to you" He said "Come with me" He said

"Where" I asked as he took ahold of my hand

"It's a secret" Jack said before taking me out the window. Once we made it down i looked over seeing a motercycle

"Sense when do you drive motorcycles" I asked

"Sense it was the fastes thing i could find" Jack said making me laugh. He got onto the motorcylce before looking back at me

"You getting on" He asked

"Do you even know how to drive this thing" I asked

"I got here in one piece didn't I" He asked

"But will you get to the next destination in one piece" I said as he laugh

"Come you'll be fine" He said. I was hesitant but got on

"Hold on tight" He said

"Oh trust me i will" I said making him laugh before he took off.


"What is this place" I asked as i got off the motorcyle looking around

"I don't know i found it yesterday" He shrugged

"And you didn't think somebody lives here" I asked laughing

"Nobody lives here trust me" Jack said grabbing my hand taking me inside the lake house before we walked into the bedroom

He wrapped his arms around my waist before i turned his way looking up at him

"I love you jessica" Jack said making me smile

"I love you more" I said. He leaned in pressing his lips to mine picking me up before laying me down on the bed not once breaking the kiss.

He pulled my shirt over my head taking off his own throwing them to the side. I flipped us over unclasping my bra before Jack pulled it off kissing me with much more force then before flipping me back over

"Tonight it's not just sex. It's love" Jack said caressing my cheek. I smiled smashing my lips back to his.

He centered himself at my entrance before sliding in making me gasp moaning. Jack repeated his action as i moaned arching my back.

Jack placed my hands over my head interlocking our fingers before thrusting inside of me with long slow movement's. I bit my lip whimpering as he brushed against my g-spot

"I love you" Jack groaned before putting his head in the crook of my neck fastening up his paste taking me by surprise. I moaned clawing onto his back wrapping my legs around his waist feeling him go deeper.

As i was about to moan he smashed his lips to mine speeding up his actions

"Oh. I'm gonna cum" I moaned throwing my head back

"Oh fuck. Cum with me" Jack said before everything else became a blur.


I woke up this morning to a strong grip around my waist. I turned aroind seeing Jack peacefully sleeping.

I smiled before i got out of bed throwing on something to wear before walking downstairs into the kitchen. As i was cooking breakfast i felt arms wrap around my waist feeling light kisses on my neck

"Good morning" Jack said making me smile before i turned around when he picked me up making me squeal laughing as he set me on the counter

"What are you doing" I asked as he laughed placing his lips to mine before picking me up taking me away

"Wait what about breakfast" I laughed

"Forget about breakfast" Jack said before taking me back into the bedroom.


"Are yoy sure you don't need me to take you home" Jack asked as i put my shoes on

"Yes I'm sure I'll be fine I promise" I said

"Yeah but anybody could be out there waiting for you" He said

"Here" I said handing him a ring

"Why do i need a ring" He asked laughing

"Its not just a ring it's a tracker. If I'm ever in trouble I'll click the fake diamond buttom and it gives you my location" I explained before sliding the ring on.

"Call me as soon as you get home" Jack said walking me to the door

"I know" I said

"Seriously Jessica" He said grabbing a Hold of my hand

"I promise i will call you when i get home. I love you" I said before pecking his lips

"I love you more" He smiled before i pulled away walking out.

As i made it back towards my neighborhood i felt like somebody was following me. I turned around seeing nobody in sight. I looked back forward when everyone went black.



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