Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I stared down at the stack of books from my photography class that i take and they literally expect me to get all of this work done in under 5 days. I was knocked out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing

K: You coming to eat tonight

V: I don't know i have lots of work to do tonight

K: Plz just for tonight meet at the grass

She said before hanging up. I stared at my phone for a second before putting it into my pocket sighing before walking out when i bumped into someone almost falling dropping my stuff

"Wow. I'm so sorry" Someone said catching me before i fell. I bent down to pick my things up as the guy helped me. I was reaching for my book when he reached for it to brushing his hand against mine.

I looked up as my breath hitched when i realised who it was

"You dropped this" Jack said as he stood up handing me my book

"Thank you" I said

"G you coming" His Jock friends yelled. He looked back before looking back at me

"Sorry again. See you around" He smiled before walking away. I turned around sighing before walking to my locker. As i was putting my things away someone snatched it out my hand. I turned around seeing Isaac and his stupid friends

"Give me my book Isaac" I said trying to reach but he threw it to one of his friends before traping me infront of him

"Go on a date with me then maybe you'll get your book back" He smirked

"I wouldn't even go to the city dump with you" I said when he got grabbed and pushed against the locker

"Come near her again i won't hesitate to make your life a living hell" Justin said before pushing him away

"You ok" He asked walking over to me

"Yeah" I smiled

"You ready" Justin asked handing me my books

"Are your friends dragging along" I asked looking back at his friends who were throwing books at eachother

"Yeah but u promise rhey wont bother you come on" Justin's said before pulling me along with him outside

"I'll be right back i need to meet up with the girls" I said as justin stared at me with a 'really' look

"What it'll only be a few minutes" I said

"Fine go" He said. I smiled before walking over to the girls who were sitting in the grass

"Where have you been" Selena asked

"Havibg the worst day of my life" I sighed sitting doen

"What happened" Chantel said with food stuffed in her mouth. I looked at her and laughed

"Well i have so much work to do. The as i walked out i bumped into someone. You'll never guess who" I said

"Well who was it" Kendall eagerly asked

"Gilinsky" I said as their mouthes flew open

"Well did you talk to him" Maggie asked. I shook my head

"If staring like a dumby doesn't count then no" I said

"You mean you bunped into him looled at him and didn't say anything to him" Kendall said

"I'm sorry i chickened out what was i supposed to say" I said

"Gee i don't know. Hey I'm Jessica you wanna maybe hang out  sometime" Kendall said

"Its not that easy" I said

"And it won't ever be if you keep chickening out to talk to him" Kendall said

"So you coming with us to eat tonight" Chantel asked

"I can't i have homework" I said

"You can do it later besides have a little fun you're so boring" Maggie said. I faked a laugh before throwing a tomato at her

"Besides don't we have cheer practice today" I asked

"Nope so theres nothing holding you back from tonight" Selena smiled


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