Chapter 41

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Kendalls P.O.V.

This morning i woke up with a killer headache. I looked to my side seeing i was in Harry's grip. I nudged him before he opened his eyes sitting up

"What" He groaned

"Get up and help me get these people out of here" I said before standing up along with Harry. I turned to my side to see Jessica peacefully sleeping.

I walked over to her before shaking her. She soon opened her eyes before looking at me

"What" She said rubbing her eyes

"Come on get up. Help me" I smiled

"I wanna sleep some more" She whined making me laugh

"Come on please" I said

"Fine" She sighed before getting up

"Come on get out. Out out out" Harry and lucas said before pushing everyone out

"Now lets see if anyone's upstairs" Lucas said befkre we followed him into the first bedroom to see nobody.

We looked in the second seeing a group of girls sleep

"Come on guys get up" Harry said before lucas walked into the nect room seeing maggie and the girls sleep

"Awe. Leave them" I said making Lucas laugh. We looked in the nect room when our mouthes flew open

Jack's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to a bad headache. I rubbed my eyes before ditting up looking around to my side seeing a girl next to me.
That was not Jessica

She turned to her side when i saw it was Victoria. The door opened when i saw it was Lucas and Kendall

"Yo bro what the fuck" Lucas said

"It's not what it looks like i swear we did nothing" I said

"Yes we did." Victoria said sitting up

"And with Victoria" Kendall said with wide eyes

"What are you gu-" Harry said before looking at Victoria then me

"Oh so this is where you went last night" He said

"Guy's you'll never guess what me and Chantel found" I herd the sound of Jessica's vocie say when she walked in before looking at me

"Ba-" I was about to say but she cut me off before running out "Jessica wait" I yelled before throwing something on running after her

"Jessica" I said soon catching you to her before grabbing her hand

"Get off of me" She said refusing to give me eye contact

"Can you please look at me" I asked turning her my way to see she was about to cry

"Jess please it's not what it looked like" I said when she slapped me

"It's not what it looked like seriously you had me over here sick worried about you all night and you text me with some bullshit lie that you're going out for a drive. I trusted you and i gave you everything i had but i guess that wasn't enough for you" She cried

"Where is he" I herd logan say before he alked out to me

"What the hell" He said walking over to me

"I didn't do anythinf with her" I said

"Don't lie Jack you told me you wanted it. You even said it was the best you ever had" Victoria said when Jessica walked away

"I can't believe you'd do that to me and your girlfriend" Logan said

"We didn't do anything and she's setting me up. But what happened to Bros before hoes but I guess i was wrong" I said

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Guy's you'll never guess what me and chantel found" I laughed when i looked seeing Jack and Victoria in a bed together

"Ba-" He was about to say but i cut him off running out.

Jessica" I herd Jack say soon catching up with me before grabbing my hand

"Get off of me" i said refusing to give him eye contact

"Can you please look at me" Jack asked turning me his way to see beforw i looked at him

"Jess please it's not what it looked like" he said when i slapped him

"It's not what it looked like seriously you had me over here sick worried about you all night and you text me with some bullshit lie that you're going out for a drive. I trusted you and i gave you everything i had but i guess that wasn't enough for you" I cried

"Where is he" I herd logan say before he walked out to Jack

"What the hell" He said walking over to Jack

"I didn't do anything with her" Jack said

"Don't lie Jack you told me you wanted it. You even said it was the best you ever had" Victoria said. I shook my head before walking away.

"Jess wait" I herd the girls say but i kept walking till i was away from them.


I walked up to mt moms door before knocking on the door. It soon opened revaling mom smiking but soon stopped once she saw i was crying.

"Awe jessica sweetheart whats wrong" Mom said brfore i walked inside crying. She pulled me in a hug before i cried more

"What happened" Mom said

"Me and Jack broke up" I cried before she sat me on the couch

"Oh sweetheart its ok" Mom said drying my eyes

"I thought he loved me" I sniffed

"And he does it probably just wasnt the right time right now. Give it some time" Mom said wiping my tears

"So mom I was thinking that we should have white frosting instead of red" I herd the spud of Justin's voice say as he walked into the living room looking at me

"What happened" He asked with a concerted look on his face

"Nothing Justin" I said

"Obviously there's something wrong if you're crying" He said

"Justin not right now" Mom said shaking her head "Jess go get some rest and dinner will be ready soon" Mom said. I nodded before walking up to my old bedroom laying down crying my pain away.


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