Chapter 47

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Jessica's P.O.V.

i was woken up today by the sound of shuffling in my room. I sat up seeing balloons and presents everywhere. I looked over seeing the girls and the guys looking at me smiling like weirdos.

"Surprise happy birthday" Max smiled handing me a nicely wrapped up present 

"awe you guys didn't have to do all of this" I smiled 

"of course we did its your big 20" Kendall smiled before everyone sat on the bed.

"now open the gift and i picked it out" Lucas smiled as Fredo nudged him. I opened the box unwrapping the paper when i saw another box making me laugh before opening it seeing a card with a little box. I opened it and smiled widely seeing a big beautiful heart shaped diamond ring.

"Awe guys i love it" I smiled giving them each a hug 

"but as for now we have a lot of things planned so get up and get dressed in the prettiest thing you got" Maggie smiled before pushing me into my bathroom. I smiled to myself before getting myself cleaned up. Once i was all cleaned i walked into my closet picking me out a blck strap crop top with a short floral pink skirt.

I put on my shoes grabbing my phone before walking out the bathroom seeing eeryone dresssed differently then before 

"where are we going to prom" I asked making them laugh 

"no but we're gonna go and party" Max smiled before Chantel grabbed my hand pulling me out the bedroom. We all piled into the car before the driver drove us off

"can you guys atleast give me a hint of where we're going" I asked 

"no you just have to wait and see" Logan smiled 

"If i'm gonna get into a ca with a bunch of irresponsible people i would at least like to know where you guys are taking me" I huffed crossing my arms

"Wow i feel the love" Cameron said sarcastically 

"NO offence" I laughed  

"just wait we'll be there soon" Max smiled.


once we arrived it was dark. I looked out the window seeing we were infront of a club. 

"seriously" I said looking back at everyone

"oh come on its not what you think it is just follow and you'll be happy you came" Max smiled before we got out the car. I followed close behind the guys before we entered in the pitch black night club.

The lights cut on and everyone jumped from behind something before yelling 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Everyone yelled when i realized  it was all my family and friends here. I smiled before walking closer inside

"awe you guys this is amazing" I smiled when Justin walked over giving me a hug 

"happy birthday" He smiled handing me a small rectangular box. I opened it seeing a gold necklace with a little gold unicorn chain at the bottom of it. I smiled before looking up at him 

"I love it thank you" I smiled before giving Justin a hug.

"oh this ain't even half of what i got you and everyone else. Now come and enjoy your party" Justin smiled before pushing me into the crowd.

during the party i went to get me a drink when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around seeing it was Adrian making me smile

"happy birthday" he smiled handing me a gift. I smiled before opening it seeing a charm bracelet with my name on it. I smiled before giving him a hug

"thank you Adrian" I smiled as he sat down 

"what wrong you seem like somethings on your mind" He asked 

"nothing" I said shaking my head 

"trust me i know when somethings wrong what happened" He asked 

"its just i have this thing to go to and i kind of don't wanna go cause i wont see my friends and family for a while

"just listen to your heart" Adrian smiled 

"You make it sound so easy" I laughed smiling 

"So wheres your boyfriend" Adrian asked making me sigh

"you know i don't even know we kind of are taking a break right now" I said

"why what happened" Adrian asked 

"just some stupid argument and one thing led to another and now i am here" I said 

"Well that's kind of messed up to leave you alone on your birthday" Adrian said 

"Its alright though" I shrugged 

"No its not alright if a guy like him is gonna treat you like that then you somebody better than him" Adrian said making me laugh 

"you're really easy to talk to i really feel better after talking to you" I smiled 

"hey that's what i[m here for" Adrian smiled.

throughout the party everybody seemed to be enjoying them selves. I walked out the club through the back seeing a path that lead somewhere. I followed it soon coming across the lake that overlooked the moon. I smiled to myself before sitting down. I sat down picking up a rock before tossing it in the ocean.

next to me i saw a grasshopper i picked it up before setting it on a bush before it hopped away. i looked up at the moon when i herd a voice.

"If you'll be my moon ill be your light".


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