Chapter 26

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Jack's P.O.V.

After Jessica left i got myself ready before leaving. As i arrived at the company i walked inside with mad expressions on the guys faces

"What" I said

"What do you mean what we've been calling you for the past hour do you all a sudden stop answering your phone" Marcus said but before i could saying anything i herd Justin calling my name

Justin's P.O.V.

I called Jack into my room before he walked in

"Can i ask you a question" I asked as he nodded

"Sure" He said

"Have you been seeing Jessica" I asked

"N-" He was about to say but i cut him off

"Don't lie. I know you've been seeing her" I paused "And you passed the test" I smiled

"What test" He asked

"I'm not stupid. Trust me I'm smarter then you and i have my ways of finding things out. And when i told you not to see her you did because you cared about her so good job" I said

"Wait. So this was a test and she knew about it" He asked

"No she didn't know. Cause at first i thought you were gonna listen and not see her again but you didn't. So good job. But if you break her heart hurt her in any way possible well this time it won't be a test. It's for real" I said as he slowly nodded

Jack's P.O.V.

I walked out of Justin's office closing the door before smiling

"So happy bout the news" The guys said making me jump

"What" I said

"Are you happy that it's finally out and public cause i sure am" Max smiled

"You guys knew didn't you" I asked as they nodded

"We were the one's to talked to him about it cause at first he was pissed but we said to see if you'd stay with her even if Justin told you not to and you did. So you owe me five bucks" Lucas said before looking at Max

"Seriouspy you guy's made a bet" I said

"Well sorry we didn't think you were gonna stay" Logan said. I laughed before taking out my phone calling Jessica but went straight to voice mail.

Jessica's P.O.V.

I squinted my eyes open before looking around seeing i was in some foreign bed in a all black walled room

I tried moving my arms but hissed when they were strained by chains

"Help" I cried out but nobody came "Help me" I yelled

"There there now everything's gonna be ok" Someone said when i figure walked out when i saw it was Cody

"Why are you doing this" I cried moving my hands around

"It's not gonna break. Unlike you" He said ttying to touch my face but i moved away

"Dont touch me" I said moving away from him

"Don't tell me what i can and can't do. You're mine now and nobody is gonna find you" He said

"When my brother finds you he'll kill you" I said trying to pull my arms out

"I'm so scared. What you gonna cry to your brother for help. Or you stupid ass boyfriend who can give a damn about you" He laughed with no humor

"I'll never become anything to you you're a freak and a psycho" I said when i felt a sting on my cheek

"No matter what you say or what you do nothing is gonna change there is no more home this is your home" He said before leaving.

I cried and cried bawling up in the corner praying that my brother will find me.


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