Chapter 17

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Jessica's P.O.V.

As i walked to my locker somebody wrapped their arms around my neck before leaving light butterfly kissed on my neck making me smile

"Surprise" I herd Jack say before i turned around smiling wrapping my arms around his neck

"Hello stranger" I smiled before he smile pressing his lips against mine in a sweet passionate sync. He wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me closer pressing me up against my locker

"So sense it's been officially 6 months sense we've been dating I have a susprise for you" Jack said smiling against my lips

"What kinda surprise" I smiled

"Surprises you'll never forget" He smirked making me smile before he reattached his lips to mine

"Alright Romeo and Juliet enough face sucking" Johnson said before squeezing in between us

"Awe i feel the love" He said making me smile laughing

"Awe i love you to" I said squeezing his cheek as he laughed
"Well i gotta get to class see y'all later" I said before pecking Jack's lips

"Can i have a kiss" Johnson asked as Jack playfully shoved him

"Sure" I said before kissing my hand slapping it sofly on his cheek . "Bye" I waved before walking off


"Everyone welcome our new student Mr Cody" Mrs Marshal said smiling. Cody looked my way before smiling walking over to me sitting down

"Hi" He said as i smiled lightly

"Hey Mr Cody" I said as he laughed

"Jessica right" He said as i nodded

"But if you want you can call me Jess" I smiled

"Do you by any chance know where the auditorium is" He asked making me laugh nodding

"Yeah that's where me and my friends head after this class I'll show you if you'd like" I said

"Thanks" He said before looking down at his book


"So how long have you been living here" Cody asked as we walked out of class

"Uhm for about 8 years it's just me my mom and my brother" I said as he nodded

"Where's your dad" He asked making me sigh

"He died when i was just a baby" I said

"Oh.. I. I'm so sorry. I didn't know" He said as i shook my head smiling

"It's totally fine. My brother says he wasn't really loyal anyway" I shrugged before we met up with everyone else

"Hey guys" I said before they looked at me smiling

"Finally you made it now we can eat" Marcus said before walking off

"Hey baby" Jack smiled before giving me a sweet passionate kiss as we both smiled before i pulled away as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Oh guy's I'd like you to meet Cody" I said "Cody this is Kendall, Chantel, Maggie, Kylie ,Bella, Gigi, Fredo ,Harry ,Maruc, Lucas ,Max, Johnson, Logan ,Shawn, cameron, Gregg ,Dylan, And my boyfriend Jack" I said smiling

"Nice to meet you guys" He said politely

"Nice to meet you to" Harry said before grabbing Kendalls hand walking to the auditorium

"Mind him it takes him a while to get comfortable with new people" Marcus said

"You ready" Jack asked as i nodded before we walked inside


"So tell us about yourself" Lucas asked once we all sat down

"Well what do you guys wanna know" He asked

"I don't know. Whatever" Max laughed shrugging

"Well I came from Michigan with my mom after my father died" He said

"How" Maz asked as i looked at him

"Max" I said

"What. It's just a question" He shrugged

"No it's fine. We were out ine day and he was being kind of weird so he took me home and left but i followed him. He was with these men i remember their faces and they set my father up and killed him" He said

"That's sick" Max said as we looked at him "I mean not sick in a good way but in a bad way" He said

"Well I gotta get home" I said

"Want me to take you" Jack asked as i nodded

"Pretty please" I said babbling my eye lashes making his laugh smiling before squeezing my cheeks

"Only cause you said please" He said before pecking my lips

"Ugh go home already before i puke" Marcus conplained as i laughed pulling away

"Bye guys" I said before Jack grabbed my hand walking off.

Once we arrived at my house Jack stopped the car before pulling me on his lap smashing his lips to mine.

We moved in a rough but slow sync as I pulled at the end of his hair lightly.

"I Have to go" I said inbetween kisses

"Stay with me for the night" He said

"I can't i have some family dinner to attend to tonight" I said making him sigh

"It'll only be an hour and don't worry you'll have me all to yourself for a whole week tomorrow" I said

"But i want you now" He said

"Come back tonight and I'll show you your anniversary eve gift" I smirked before getting off of him before he slapped my butt making me laugh playfully shoving him

"Keep your hands to yourself" I said

"I love you" Jack said

"I love you more" I said pecking his lips before getting out the car.

I walked into the house before seeing mom walking downstairs looking beautiful

"Wow someones lokking beautiful" I smiled

"There you are hurry go get ready we leave in 50 minutes" Mom said smiling.

I nodded before walking upstairs getting myself ready for tonight.


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