Chapter 31

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Ok mom he's here" I said before walking towards the door "And please act normal" I said as Justin laughed.

I opened the door before seeing Jack with a banquet of roses in his hand smiling

"Hi" He smiled before pecking my lips. I moved to the side before letting him in closing the door

"You must be Jack. Jessica's told me all about you" Mom smiled before giving him a hug

"It's so nice to meet you Ms Bieber" He smiled

"Please call me Jennifer" Mom smiled

"Oh and here's some roses" Jack smiled handing mom the banquet of roses

"Thank you dear. You can make youself at home dinner will be ready soon" Mom smiled before walking away

"So that wasn't weird" Justin said laughing as i shoved him.


"Dinners ready" Mom said before we walked into the dining room before sitting down.

As we ate mom started the conversation

"So how long have you two been dating" Mom asked

"July 24 will be a year sense we've been dating" Jack smiled

"Where'd you two meet" Mom asked

"The football game" Jack said when Justin butted in

"She was the one who yelled nice body. What a cliche" Justin laughed before i kicked his leg under the table

"So do you see yourself having a future with Jessica" Mom asked as I looked at her

"Mom" I whined

"No it's ok. But actually yes i do. She makes me happy and she's it for me" Jack smiled before i felt him sqeeze my thigh.

Mom gushed smiling at the two of us "Are you guys ready for desert" Mom smiled before standing up

"I'll help you" I said before standing up collecting the plates before walking into the kitchen

"He's such a sweet guy" Mom smiled

"You like him" I asked

"Of course. I mean what's there not to like. He's sweet. He's intelligent. And he's an amazing person just right for you" Mom smiled making me smile.

We walked back out with desert before setting it on the table.


"Thank you Jennifer everything was amazing" Jack said as we walked to the door

"No thank you and thank you for coming it was a pleasure having you here" Mom said before giving him a hug.

I walked Jack out to his car before we stopped

"You going home tonight" Jack asked

"No i might just stay here for tonight" I said

"So you wouldn't rather go home with me instead" He asked pulling me by the waist

"No but you may get lucky" I smiled

He smirked before pressing his lips to mine in a slow passionate kiss. As i was a bout to pull away he pulled me back before missing my lips repeatedly making me laugh

"Stop" I laughed before pulling away

"I'll see you tomorrow I love yoy" Jack said

"I love you more" I smiled before turning around when i felt him squeeze my ass making me squeal shoving his hands away

"Don't touch my butt" I said making him laugh before getting into his car. I walked inside the house before closing the door.


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