Chapter 14

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"If a equals 26 what does d equal" I asked looking at Jack

"13" Jack asked as i laughed making him groan "I don't wanna do this anymore" He said pushing the book away from him

"Why ? you need to" I laughed trying in attempt to get him to do some work but failed

"Why you gotta be so difficult" I laughed

"But it wasn't difficult for you to steal my heart" He said making me laugh

"You're so corny" I laughed "But romantic" I smiled

"I'm not romantic you just made me that way" Jack smiled before pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled my shirt off of me before tossing it across the room. He pulled me closer before hovering over me.

He kissed down my neck running his hands up my back un-clasping my bra before taking it off. He pressing his lips back to mine tweaking my nipple making me gasp giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth.

He kissed down my body to the hem of my underwear before pulling them off. He pryed my legs open before running a finger down my area making me shiver.

I felt the warmth of his tongue repeatedly roll over my cl*t making me gasp throwing my head back moaning

"Ugh don't stop" I moaned pulling at his hair which only made him pick up the speed. My legs starting to shake feeling my orgasm take over my body.

I threw my head back letting go as he licking me clean. He came back up before smashing his lips to mine. He slammed into me making us both moan. I gasped squirming under him as he went deeper

"Fuck you're so tight" He groaned "You like when daddy fucks you hard and rough don't you"

"F--Fuck jay slow down" I moaned shutting my eyes closed. He pulled out before slamming back in making me scream 

"Remember. No mercy" He said bitingdown on my neck

"Who's your daddy babygirl" he groaned wrapping his hand around my neck before pounding into me making my eyes roll into the back of my head.

I felt my legs starting to shake everytime he hit against my g-spot

"Hmmm tell me" He demanded

"Y--you" i moaned clawing onto his arm. He chuckled with no humor

"I love you" He groaned

"I love you more" I was able to to

He hissed feeling him twitch "Cum with me baby" He moaned. With that my vision blurred feeling my orgasm take controm letting go.

"I love you jess" Jack said making me smile

"I love you more" I said.


"I'll see you tomorrow" Jack said before walking over to the window

"Bye" I smiled before pecking his lips but he pulled me back deepening it. I smiled before putting my hand on his chest pulling away

"Go home" I laughed

"Goodnight" He smiled before crawling out

"Jessica" I herd justin say from the other side of the door. I closed my window before walking over to the door opening it

"Yes" I said

"Who were you talking to" He asked

"Oh um just the girls on the phone" I smiled

"Really cause your phone isn't even in here" Justin said

"We have a house phone" I said before walking away from the door

"Sense when" He said walking in. I looked at the floor to see Jacks sweatshirt. I kicked it under the bed with my foot before looking back at Justin

"What. You never noticed the house phone" I said

"Whatever I'm not gonna argue with you. But i won't be home tonight" He said

"Where are you going every night and don't ever come back till dawn" I asked

"It's business Jess" He said before walking out

"Can i come" I asked following him

"No you cannot come no girls allowed" He said as i scoffed

"Oh but your girlfriend probably goes with you" I said folding my arms

"Even she's not allowed" Justin said

"Then why can't i come" I said

"Cause it's to dangerous for you" Justin said. I groaned before walking into my room. I grabbed my phone before dialing Kendalls number


"Are you sure we should be doing this. I mean this is kinda invading on their private space" Kendall as me Chantel and maggie looked at her

"What I'm just saying" She shrugged

"Well if justin doesn't wanna tell me anything i guess I'll find out for myself" I said before we followed Justin's car.

As we were driving we drove off into a deserted area

"Where is he going" Kendall said when he car soon stopped. I turned the head lights off before Justin walked into a building

"Lets go" I said

"No are you crazy anything could be out there" Kendall said

"Shit suit yourself" Chantel aaid before getting out the car

"Ugh you guys will regret this" Kendall said before getting out the car.

We followed the trail when i herd talking. I looled up to see a guy brutally beaten and tied to a chair

"Is that.. Johnson" Maggie gasped. I looked over seeing him picking up a gun

"What the fuck is going on" Chantel gasped. A few more guys came into view when i saw it was lucas,Gregg ,Cameron, Harry Zayn, and...Jack

"Is that Harry" Chantel said "And Jack" She said. He started speaking in spanish and i didn't understand

"Do you guys understand spanish" I asked

"No" They said in usion when Jack aimed the gun and shot it making us squeal

"Who's there" We herd Cameron yell

"Jess lets go" Kendall saod before pulling me away from the door

Jack's P.O.V.

"te veo en el infierno perra" I said beforw shooting him in the head when we herd a yelp

"Who's there" Cameron asked before walking over to the door

"Clean this up" I said before walking away.


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