Chapter 23

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It was late and me and Jack was walking out and about around the island

"I was thinking of getting a tattoo" I said

"Of" Jack asked

"I don't know do you have any idea's" I asked

"You really wanna get one" He asked as we stopped walking

"Yeah. You should get one to and we could do that couple goals thing" I said making him laugh

"I got the perfect tattoo" He said before we walked into a tatto parlor

"Welcome what could we do for you today" The guy asked with the name of daniel

"Uh i wanna get this tattoo" Jack said as he drew down a picture before showing it to him

"For which one" He asked

"Both" Jack said

"Would you like to go first" He asked looking at me as i nodded. We walked over to a chair before i sat down

"Where would you like it" He asked

"On the back of my shoulder" I said as he was about to start i stopped

"Wait" "Can jack kinda do it I'm kind of nervous" I asked as he nodded smiling

"Go right ahead give me some free time" He said making me laugh before Jack sat behind me

"Sense this is your first one it may hurt a bit" Jack said as i nodded.


"And done" Jack smiled before i looked at it through the mirror

"You remembered" I smiled

"You like it" He asked smiling

"I love it" I smiled before turning around pecking his lips.


After Jack got his tattoo we paid before leaving.

"I think tonight has been the best night out of all" I smiled

"Any night with you is the best part" Jack smiled making me smile before he took something out of his pocket

"Turn around and close your eyes" He said. I nodded before closing my eyes. I felt something cold come in contact around my neck before i opened my eyes seeing a beautiful diamond covered butterfly necklace

"J it's beautiful. I love it" I smiled before giving him a hug

"And i Love you".

If life is a movie
Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part


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