Chapter 21

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"I'll see you saturday" Mom smiled giving me a hug once i put the last of my things into the van

"It'll only be six days" I laughed as she hugged me like it was her last

"Yeah but anything could be out there and hurt you" Mom said making me laugh

"I'll be fine mom I promise I'm not going anywhere" I said before pulling away from the hug

"I'll see you saturday" She smiled. I waved goodbye before getting into the van with the girls

"Freedom" Chantel yelled as Bella drove off before we laughed.


Once we arrived at the lodge we were staying at we got out the car before gathering out bags from the trunk

"Here's everybodies room keys. If they guys arent here they'll be here soon" Gigi said before handing us each a key.

I grabbed my bags before walking up to my room. Once i made it to my room number i unlocked the door with my key before walking inside to see everything dark.

The only light that there was, was the light from candles that were lit up. I dimmed the light on smiling when i saw rose petals on the floor trailing towards the bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom seeing petals on the bed and more candles lit up. I smiled staring in awe when i felt arms snake around my waist

"Happy Anniversary" Jack whispered in my ear. I smiled before turning around staring up into his eyes

"You did this all for me" I smiled

"Anything for you" He smiled. I leaned in pressing my lips to his as he was quick to respond, picking me up before putting me on the bed hovering over me. As i was about to flip us over he stopped me

"Tonight's about you" He said while caressing my cheek

"Tonight's about us" I said making him smile before he pressed his lips back to mine with much more force then before.

He discared each piece of clothing from our bodies before pulling the blankets over us.

He smashed his lips to mine before slamming into me making me gasp moaning before throwing my head back. He repeated his action making me whimper arching my back off of the bed

"Oh my god right there" I moaned as 

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