Chapter 16

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Jessica's P.O.V.

As the bell rang i collected my things before heading out going out to the field

"Jess" I herd someone call. I turned around seeing it was Jack. I was about to get up when he stopped me

"No Jessica listen to me" He said

"What do you want" I asked looking down at my book

"Can you stop avoiding me and talk to me" He said taking my book from out of my hands

"Talk about what we're fine" I shrughed

"No you're not fine tell me what happened" He asked

"Why did you do it" I asked before looking up at him for the first time right now

"Do what" He asked

"I saw you kill somebody why would you do that to that innocent guy" I asked

"He wasn't innocent Jessica and i told you not to go out there anything could've happened to you. It's to dangerous and risky for you to be around there" He explained caressing my cheek

"But somebody died doesn't that make you sad" I asked

"They didn't feel sorry when they took something from me" He said shaking his head

"I'm sorry i just get worried. I mean anything could've happen to you. Then what am i supposed to do" I asked

"I promised I'll always go back to you and I'm here and i always will be" He said making me smile before i pressed my lips to his

"Just promise no more secrets" I said as he smiled nodding

"I promise" He smiled.


"I'll see you later I love you" Jack smiled before pecking my lips i smiled before pulling away

"I love you more" I smiled kissing his cheek before walking away. As i was walking i bumped into someome making them drop their stuff everywhere

"O my god I'm so sorry" I said before crouching down helping them out. I picked up the Last book before standing up.

I looled up coming in contact with a guy with ocean blue eyes

"I'm so so-" I said but he cut me off smiling

"It's alright love not everytime do you bump into someone who's beautiful as you" He said smiling

"Thank you...." i said not really knowing his name

"Oh the name's Cody" He said reaching out his hand which I shook

"Are you starting school here or something" I asked

"Is it that noticeable" He said maming me laugh

"Don't worry you'll fit right in. I'm Jessica" I said

"Nice to meet you Jessica" He smiled

"So do you live around here" I asked

"Actually i live just down the block me and my mom" He said as i nodded

"Well if you need any help tomorrow you know who to find" I smiled before walking away

"It was nice meeting you" He said

"You too" I said before walking off.

Is the new guy good or bad ?

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