Chapter 9

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Are you stupid or something" Justin yelled as i got into the car

"Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing" I said

"I strictly told you not to go behind my back and fool around with one of them but what did you do you did" He said

"Well obviously you don't know him then cause he's not like every other guy" I shot crossing my arms

"Not like every other guy. Well then i guess he's not sense he ain't tellin yoy halt the shit you don't know" He laughed with no humor

"What is that supposed to mean" I said

"Just what i told you last night but you wasn't listening. Damnit Jessica" He groaned hitting the steering wheel making me jump.

To be honest I've never seen Justin this mad before. He has his moments but why would it be so bad for me to like someone who makes me happy

"But he makes me happy" I said sofly lokking down at my hands

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into Jess." he said shaking his head

"What is so bad that is making you so mad for" I asked looking at him

"Don't worry about it" He said with gritted teeth staring at me

"Fine then I'll ask Jack" I said about to get out the car when he pulled me back locking the door

"You're not gonna ask him anything matter fact you're not gonna see him again" He said

"And you can't stop me" I said shaking my head

"Really cause i have more power then you think i do and if you really cared about him you'd stop seeing him before you get him into more trouble then he already is in" Justin said as he stared with such an envy witty look.

I slumped back in my seat before looking out the window shedding a few tears.

Justin's P.O.V.

Once i dropped Jessica off i drove off to the Company. I pulled up before getting out the car walking inside

"Good afternoon Mr Bieber" The lady at the front said. I nodded before walking into the back

"Where is he" I said in search for Jack

"Waiting for you sir" An assistant said. I walked into the room closing the door when he turned around before standing up

"Ju-" he started but i cut him off

"What did I tell you not to do with Jessica" I asked standing infront of my desk. I looked at him as he gulped looking down

"But if you'd just listen to me" He said "I'm not like that i wouldn't hurt her or do anything to put her in danger" He Explained

"To many people told me the same words you've told me before. And I'm not gonna let another soul hurt her. Ever. I don't give a fuck if i have to flip this whole city upside down. So whatever you have going on with her it's over starting now. So sense you like breaking rules we're gonna show you whats it's like when you go against what I told you not to do" I said before leaving

Jessica's P.O.V.

I herd the front door open meaning mom just got home. I dried my eyes when my phone buzzed with a message from Jack

J: Meet me at the lake i need to talk to you

I cut mt phone off before cracking my bedroom door open seeing Justin walk in his room. I closed my door back up before going to my window.

I crawled out before walking down the ladder. I got into my car before i drove off.

Once i arrived at the lake i got out the car before walking towards the lake seeing a figure at the dock. I walked towards the dock seeing it was Jack throwing rocks in the water

"Hey" I said making him turn around smiling lightly

"Hey" He said as i stood next to him "i need to tell you something and i don't want you to freak out" He said before looking at me

I looked at him with my full attention waiting for him to continue

"I do things that you probably would hate me for. The reason your brother flipped out earlier today is because me and the jocks are in something that is bad" He said

"What is it" I asked

"That's the thing i can't tell you. Maybe You'll see me different but what i do doesn't define who i am and thats why i don't wanna tell you cause maybe you'll hate me" He said

"I'm not gonna hate you. Are you in some trouble do you need help" I asked

"No it's not trouble. But i don't want you to be apart of any of this" He said

"Please tell me" I asked as he sighed

"I work for your brother" He said

"What do you mean" I said

"His dad left him this big company before he died. His father was known of one of the most deadly killers. He'd kill anybosy who would try and hurt his family. And i guess when Justin was little his dad would tell him that he'd own the Comapny some day and take over for him. When you were born he died by these men who he killed a long time ago. The Cruises and now its haye against them so He's the owner of this company that many don't know about. We kill people. Go on missions and assassinate people who are apart of the cruises League. But once you're in there is no out" He said as tears came out of my eyes

"But i can talk to him i can help you" I said

"No. He doesn't even know i here with you" He said

"What did he do to you earlier" I said

"When you disobey an order or try an go against what you're supposed to do they make you pay" He said as he showed me his bruised chest making me gasp crying

"Oh my god Jack what did they do to you" I said shaking my head

"It's fine" He said but i shook my head

"No it's not fine they shouldn't be doing this to you. You don't deserve it" I said "if this is from what happened earlier I'm so sorry" I cried

"Don't be sorry. No matter what your brother says it won't stop me from seeing or being with you. I dont care if I'm standing on one leg it won't keep me from you" He said pulling my face to look up at him as i stared into his eyes.

He smashed his lips to mine as i wrapped mt arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He pulled me closer to him before flipping us ocer hovering over me beforw we pulled away.

"I want you Jessica" He said caressing my cheek

"Take me".


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