Chapter 18

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I finished the final touches on my hair before i slid on my dress. I put my shoes on spraying on some perfume before grabbing my phone walking downstairs.

"Wow first time I've seen you in a tux" I said looking at Justin who playfully rolled his eyes

"Hahaha very funny" He said

"Your girlfriend coming" I asked

"Yup" He said smiling making me smile.

"Ask her to marry you already" I said before walking out the house

"Should i" He asked

"You should" I smiled before getting into the back.


"Reservations with the Lincoln's" Mom said

"Right this way" The guy said before he leaded us the way

"Who's the Lincoln's may i ask" I whispered to Justin

"I don't know some perky rich family that she works with" He said as i nodded

"And here you are" He said. I looked at them when i noticed it was Cody. He looked at me and smiled

"You look lovely tonight" He smiled. I lightly smiled

"Thanks" I said before a waitress came over

"Welcome everyone are we ready to order or do we need a few more minutes" He asked with an amazing french accent

"Yeah we're ready" Mom smiled. Once we took our orders we talked

"So debra this is my son Justin and my daughter Jessica" Mom smiled

"Its so amazing to meet you two I'm debra" She smiled showing off her white teeth "i herd you go to the same school as my son Wildcats" Debra asked as i nodded

"Yeah I'm their cheerleader there" I smiled

"Well why haven't talked to this beautiful young lady right her Cody" Debra asked

"Oh we talk and her friends are really nice people" He smiled

"So Justin what do you do" Debra asked

"Oh I own a couple night clubs around here and I'm a DJ. But on my free time I like to do music" He shrugged

"And Jessica" She asked

"Um well on my free time I do poetry or help out with toddlers at the daycare. But i play the piano or violin" I said

"You love kids" She asked 

"Yeah" I smiled

"See Cody she's an intelligent women you should have eyes on" Debra smiled

"Oh but she's taken already" He said making my eyes widen

"Oh you have a boyfriend" Debra asked

"You have a boyfriend" Mom said before smiling

"You have a boyfriend" Justin said squinting his eyes at me

"Uh... The foods here" I said as the waitress came back with our food.

As we were eating justin kept a glare at me

"What" I said while everybody else was in their own conversations

"So you have a boyfriend" He said "May i know who this person is" He said

"Mmmm this pastas really good" I said.


"It was so nice meeting you guys" Debra smiled before her and mom walked ahead of us

"You have a boyfriend" Justin said grabbing my hand

"Not intentionally" I said

"What is that supposed to mean" He said

"Look Cody must of gotten the wrong idea about me and Um Lucas" I lied

"And how is that" He said

"He saw him wrap his arm around me probably earlier cause i was cold" I lied again. He stared at me for a second

"You better not be lying jessica" Justin said and i could see that he knew i was lying. I sighed groaning in frustration

"Hey jess" Codt said walking up to me

"What" I said before walking

"I'm sorry i didn't know you didn't want them to know" He said as i sighed

"I'm sorry it's not your fault. you didn't know" I said

"So how long have you two been dating" He asked

"Our five month anniversary is tomorrow" I smiled

"He's really lucky to have you" He said as i smiled

"Thanks Cody. But i always feel like I'm lucky to have him" I said

"Would you ever leave him for somebody else" He asked as i looked at him weird "like if you fell in love with someone else" He asked

"No. Cause no matter what happens I'd choose him at the end." i smiled


I was so tired it was literally 12 midnight. I took me a long hot shower before i got into something comfortable climbing into bed.

In the middle of the night I herd clicking sounds against my window making me sit up turning my lamp on.

I looked at the clock seeing it was 2 in the morning. I got out of bed before walking over to my window before opening it seeing Jack at the balcony

"What are you doing here at 2 in the morning" I asked

"I couldn't sleep so i came to see you" He smiled walking over to me picking me up before taking me back inside my room

"So you woke me up cause you couldn't sleep" I asked laughing as he set me down

"Mmhmmm" He said snaking his arms around my waist pulling me up against his chest before smashing his lips to mine.

He picked me up as i wrapped my legs around his torse carrying me over to the bed. He hovered over me before we pulled away staring into eachothers eyes

"Happy five month anniversary baby" He said making me smile

"Happy anniversay" I smiled before he smashed his lips back to mine.

Cody's P.O.V.

She's the girl she's the one I've been looking for. If i habe to make her love me well that's how it'll be.

She's so beautiful and perfect and i cant till I'm able to call her my wife and the mother of my children mother will be so proud.

And him and him they're the one's who took every thing from me and left me with nothing. So you take what's mine. I'll take what's yours

Justin Bieber and Jack Gilinsky or should I say Jeff Garcia and Jason McCann

"When will it be time boss" One of my men asked

"All do time buddy all do time". 


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