Chapter 28

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I took me a nice long hot shower before i got out putting on something comfortable. I brushed my hair before leaving it down walking out my bathroom getting into bed. I grabbed a book before reading

"Hello beautiful" I looked up seeing Jack crawl into the window making me laugh sitting up

"You know there's a front door" I laughed as he walked over to me

"Yeah i know but i Like it better this way" He smiled before crawling onto the bed taking my book out my hand before hovering over me

"What are you doing" I smiled staring up at the love of life

"Loving you" He smiled caressing my cheek. he pressed his lips to mine in a hungry kiss. He hovered over me as he disposed me and his clothing till we were under the blankets my breath hitched once I felt him cup my area teasing it as I moaned

He kissed lightly down my stoach before leaving light kissed on my inner thigh I gasped when i felt his tongue lightly on my cl*t making me whimper bucking my hips forward.

Without a warning he rapidly teased my cl*t with the tip of his tongue maing me arch my back crying out in pure pleasure 

"Oh fuck...Jay don't stop"

I moaned pulling lightly at his hair only urging him to go faster sliding his tongue in my wet walls.  I tried my hardest not to moan so loud biting the inside of my cheek.

He slid a finger inside of me pumping them inside making my legs start to shake. He added another then another curling them inside doing a come er motion brushing against my g-spot sending me over the edge 

"Uh fuck baby I'm cumming"

I moaned out. he smirked pumping his fingers faster smashing his lips to mine as I moaned in his mouth.

He smirked against my neck he stopped curling his fingers inside me brushing his finger repeadly over my g-spot while running circular motions over my clit   

With that my climax hit me as i gasped arching my back off the bed shaking through my high

Without giving me time to comprehend what's was happening next he slammed into me both moaning at the sudden contact. He pulled out slamming back in repeating his action filling me all the way as I couldn't do nothing but moan.

He thrusted his hips in and out at a hard fast paste leaving me in pure pleasure hitting up against my g-spot every time 

"Mmmm yeah baby fuck right there"

I moaned while he repeated his action fastening his thrusted 

"You like that baby"

He moaned lifting my leg on his side fastening his thrust pounding into me with no mercy 

"Uhhhh yeah baby harder"

I moaned wrapping my leg around his waist feeling him go deeper. He hardened his thrusts making the head board bang against the wall 

He groaned fastening his thrusts making the bed creek the only sound herd was our moans filling the air 

"Fuck Jay I'm cumming"

I moaned arching my back off the bed feeling him twitch inside me fasted his thrust with sloppy hard one 

"Fuck..cum baby cum for me"

He moaned biting harshly at my neck. My vision blurred feeling my climax come at peek having multiple orgasms as he thrusted in during his climax.

Once we caught our breathes I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me

"I love you" I said

"And I'll never stop loving you" Jack said making me smile beforw we both fell of into a peaceful slumber.


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