Chapter 7

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"You're going on a date with Jack" Kendall said shocked

"It's not a date its just the movies" I laughed shrugging

"My ass you know it's more then just hanging out" Chantel said. I laughed bdfore walking into my closet picking out something to wear. I went with a pink. Shoulderless floral croptop with some light blue booty shorts and convers

I put my hair half up half down before spraying on some perfume.  I walked out my bathroom grabbing my phone off of the night stand

"Too much" I asked looking at the girls who stood looking at me with the same smudge look on their face

"You look hot" Maggie winked making me laugh

"Ok i gotta go" I said

"Let us walk you out" Kendall smiled before grabbing my hand taking me downstairs. She opened the door to see a black jeep pull up

"Your prince awaits" Gigi smiled before pushing me outside

"Tell us about everything when you get back" Selena said

"And make sure to use protection" Bella said smiling before closing the door. I scoffed looking back at the door before walking over to Jack who just got out the car

"You look beautiful" He smiled walking over to me

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself" I said squeezing his cheek making him laugh before taking my hand interlocking our fingers before walking me over to his car.


Once we arrived at the movie theater I got a message and it was from Justin

J: Where are you ?

Jess: I'm out mom didn't tell u ?

J: Obviously not. You know we had a family dinner tonight right ?

Jess: Mom said i can skip it tonight

J: Nothings ever that important to skip dinner where are you really

Jess: I got to go bye

I said before cutting my phone off. Jack came to my sife before opening the door for me helping me out

"Thank you" I smiled grabbing my purse. He grabbed my hand before we walked inside the theater.

"You get us some seats and I'll grab some snacks. Yeah" Jack asked as i nodded

"Ok" I said before walking away. I walked inside looking for a seat sitting on top in the back. I sat down.


"Thank you for tonight Jack i had fun" I smiled

"I'm glad you did" He smiled. We leaned in when he pressed his lips to mine in a sweet passionate kiss making me smile. I put my hand on his chest before pulling away

"Goodnight" I said against his lips As he smiled

"Goodnight Jess" He said bdfore i kissed his cheek walking inside the house. I waved before closing the door leaning against it sighing

"Where were you" I herd someine say. I turned to my side seeing it was Justin staring at me with his arms crossed

"I said don't worry about it" I smiled walking towards the staircase when he grabbed my arm

"You wasn't out with one of those jocks were you" He asked raising his eyebrows

"No i wasn't" I said

"You promise" He said

"Yes I Promise" I smiled before going to my bed room.

Once i got cleaned up i changed into a pink way to big sweatshirt with some night shorts before putting my hair into a bun.

I walked out rhe bathroom before walking out my room down the hall to Justin's door before knocking

"What" He said on the other side

"Can i come in for a second" I asked when i hers footsteps. The door opened revealing Justin

"What's wrong" He asked moving aside before letting me in

"I wanted to tell you something" I said. He looked at me crossing his arms before raising his eyebrows

"What" He said

"What's wrong with the Jocks at school" I asked

"What do you mean" He asked

"Like why can't i hang with them or talk to one of them" I asked

"You wasn't with one were you" He sneered making me shake my head

"No no I wasn't" I said as he sighed

"Because before you know it you'll be with one of them and they'll break your heart" He said before looking up at me

"Well what if some of them aren't like that" I asked

"Well it's a lie and i don't wanna catch you fooling around with them or they'll turn you into something bad" He said shaking his head

"What do you mean" I asked

"Nothing and it shouldn't matter cause you're not gonna go against what I said right" He asked

"But what do you mean something bad" I asked

"Nothing Jess go to bed you have school in the morning" Justin said

I sighed brfore sitting up walking towards the door going to my bedroom before closing the door.

What could he mean making bad.

Alright well you've gotten tbis far to know what i mean by making something bad

Justin is the lwader which is y u say the guys come to Jessica's house the other day

They're a part of a gang and once you're in there's no out. It's not bad to where anyone is gonna die. Yet. but its bad that's why he's tryna keep Jessica safe.

You'll get it more once I've gotten into the book more.


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