Chapter 35

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Once we arrived at the carnival we saw the girls and guys leaned up against the car waiting. Me and Kendall got out the car before they all looked this way

"Finally" Lucas conplained before they all walked this way. Jack walked over to me before giving me a hug making me smile

"I missed you" Jack said squeezing my cheek maming me laugh before shoving his hand away

"You just saw me not even two hours ago" I smiled

"But it was too long" He said wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling me up against his chest making me smile laughing

"You're such a dork" I laughed

"But you love me" Jack said making me laugh smiling

"I do" I said looking up at him before he smiled leaning down pressing bus lips to mine. 

"Alright enough love birds" Max said before shoving us

"I want you guys to meet my girlfriend Victoria" Logan said making us look his way when we looked seeing a girl with mid way long brunette hair and nice tanned skin

"Hi I'm Victoria" She smiled showing off her nice white teeth and nice cheekbones

"Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend" Max said before looking at Victoria smiling

"Nice to meet you. I'm mac and these are our friends. Harry, Kendall, Chantel, Kylie, Lucas, Dylan, Jack G, Jack J, Jessica, Cameron, Shawn, Zayn, Gigi, and Gregg but you'll meet the rest tomorrow or something" Max smiled

"Hi it's nice to meet you guys" She smiled before looking at me with a look that made me feel uncomfortable

"You guys ready to have some fun" Cameron said knocking me out of my thoughts before i nodded slowly

"You ok" Jack asked making me look at him

"Yeah" I smiled before we walked inside


"Tonight was fun" I smiled while sitting on the ledge of the bridge resting my head on Jacks chest

"You know my mom's been dying to meet you" Jack said

"Really" I smiled

"Yeah" Jack smiled making me smile before i turned my head his way

"I love you" I smiled

"I love you more" Jack smiled "Make a wish" he said as i looked up at the sky

"What do i possibly need that i already have" I smiled

"Anything" Jack said

"Well i wanna get this big mansion with a big land with lots of ducks,cows,chickens, horses running around everywhere. And a view right on the beach with the sound of waves crashing on eachother and you there with me" I smiled

Jack sighed smiling whule resting his chin on my shoulder

"Would you spend the rest of your life with me" He asked maming me look back at him

"Of course I would. It's me and you no matter what happens. It'll always be you.....forever." I said

"And no matter what challenges we face. Just know that you're my one and only and there will never be another. You're it for me. But promise me something" Jack said before i turned around facing him

"Anything" I said draping my arms around his neck

"Promise we'll be together forever" He asked

"I promise" I smiled. Jack smiled before he leaned in pressing his lips to mine making me smile

"I love you so much" I said

"I love you so much more. More then you'll ever know" Jack mumblef the last part. But lound enough that i herd him as i smiled in his embrace.

Well the promises won't be kept for long. Can anyone make a wild guess and say whats bout to come ?


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