Chapter 32

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Jessica. Jessica. Jessica" I herd a faint sound of someone calling my voice "JEESICA WAKE UP" I herd Chntel yell before hitting me with a pillow making me jump sitting up

"What" I said rubbing my eyes "Why are you waking me up" I said

"Cause first of all it's 2 in the afternoon and second of all you promised you'd come with me tonight on my date with Dylan" She said

"Oh i totally forgot about that but I'll go" I said getting up

"Thank you you're the best" She said giving me a hug making me laugh smiling

"The girls didnt wanna go" I asked

"No they said it was a two people thing for a reason" She shrugged as i laughed

"Peoole double date all the time" I shrugged

"I'm just a little nervous for tonight it's out first date and i want it to be fun" She smiled

"Awe" I said making her laugh

"Shut up" She smiled making me laugh "Ok meet at the diner tonight" She smiled. I nodded before she walked out.


(Outfit up top ^^)

I now was putting my heels on before grabbing my phone and purse off of the bed. I walked out the house before going to my car driving off.

Once i arived at the diner i got out the car before seeing Jack get out his car before looking at me smiling.

"You look beautiful baby" Jack smiled before giving me a hug

"You don't look bad yourself" I smiled fixing the collar of his shirt. I looked over seeing Dylan and Chantel getting out of the car smiling at the both of them.

"Do we have to be here i mean they call it a date and not double date for a reason" Jack complained making me playfully rolled my eyes pulling him

"Yes be supportive for your friend and lets go" I laughed before we walked inside.

We sat down at the table when everything was quiet

"Soo.. How about this weather today" Jack said making me laugh

"Jess come with me" Chantel whispered before she stood up. I nodded standing up before she pulled me into the bathroom

"This is so awkward" She sighed

"Well talk to him" I said

"Well I can't with Jack making jokes" She said making me laugh

"Ignore him. We'll sit somewhere else so you too can talk ok" I said before she looked at me for a second then nodded.

We walked back out before i grabbed Jack's hand pulling him to another table

"Why are we sitting over here" Jack asked

"So they can talk without you making a remark" I laughed

"Trust me they could use all the remarks they could get" Jack said laughing. I playfully rolled my eyes before looking at the two of them smiling and laughibg making me smile

"They look so happy" I smiled gushing looking at the both of them when Jack laughed making me look at him

"What" I laughed

"Nothing you're just a helpless romantic" He laughed

"Shut up" I laughed

"Can we go. They look clearly stable enough to get home" Jack said making me laugh

"If it makes you happy then fine" I laughed getting up before we left the resturant.


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