Chapter 8

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"So what happened last night" Maggie smirked as me her and the girls walked into the school

"What do you mean" I asked

"You know what We mean. We mean with you and Jack" Kendall smiled as i laughed smiling

"I'm no kiss and tell" I smiled

"Oh come on pleass tell me I'm dying to know" Maggie pleaded

"What happened with you and Johnson" I asked raising my eyebrows

"I won't tell you till you tell me what happened with you and Jack" She said

"We talked and got to know eachother a little bit" I smiled

"And" Maggie dragged out

"We kinda kissed" I said making her and the girls jaws drop as they gushed

"Why didn't you tell us" Chantel said

"Cause I didn't want to i was scared" I said

"So was it how you dreamt it would be like a thirsty kiss" She said making me laugh

"No. It was more like slow and passionate like he cared" I smiled walking over to my locker

"You coming to cheer practice today" Selena asked opening her locker

"Yeah" I said opening my locker seeing a banquet of roses making me smile.

"Ooh someone's got a secret admirer" Kylie smirked. I looled around when i saw Jack with his friends. He turned around looking at me before smiling

"Ooh who got roses" I herd twist say before taking one putting the branch in his mouth before wiggling his eyebrows

"You're disgusting" I said taking the rose out his mouth

"Who got you roses" Justin asked before looking at them

"Someone" I shrugged putting them back in my locker before closing it

"Who's someone" He asked

"Justin nobody" I said

"Are you lying" Justin asked

"No I'm not don't worry about it" I said "i have to go see you later" I said before going to class.


As i walked out of 3rd period towards the library someone pulled me into a corner when i realised it was Jack making me smile

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey" He smiled before pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his tighter around my waist pulling me closer. I smiled into the kiss before pulling alway

"Thank you for the flowers" I smiled

"I'm glad you like them" Jack said smiling. "So tonight if you're not busy i was wondering maybe i can take you out tonight" He asked caressing my cheek

"Are you asking me on a date Gilinsky" I asked smiling

"Yes i am" He smiled as i nodded

"In that case I'd love to" I smiled.


Kendall's P.O.V.

"Where's Jess" I said when we herd the door open as her and jack walked in. We looked at eachother smiling before looking back at them.

"There you two are we've been looking everywhere for you" Fredo said handing them a bag of food

"Ewe what is this" Lucas said taking out a buger

"Its a buger" I said. He looked up smirked before throwing the beef at Max's head as my mouth flew open before laughing

"Don't even start" Jessica said bdfore standing up when max dumped his drink on her. She gasped before grabbing her dumping it on him when she missed dumping it on Jack

"Oh you guys wanna start a food fight its on" Logan said before we all started throwing food at eachother

Jessica's P.O.V.

I grabbed my drink trying to dump it on max but missed dumping it on Jack when my mouth flew open

"Oh you guys wanna start a food fight its on" Logan said before we all started throwing food at eachother. I ran away as Jack chased after me with a cup of water. I ran into the other half of the gym before backing up against the wall

"Quit it Jack no" I laughed as he laughed setting the cup down before pressing his lips to mine.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Someone yelled making us pull away when i saw it was Justin.

Justin's P.O.V.

"But coach we need extra time" I asked pleading for a couple more days before the game

"I can't cancel the game just so you can have a couple more days" He said but paused when we herd screaming and laughter coming from the gym.

We walked into the gym when my mouth flew open. There was food water evertwhere on the walls and on Jessica's friends

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing in here" Coach yelled

"We were just p-" Kendall was about to say but coach cut her off

"Messing up the gym. What do you guys think this is some playground or something. You're lucky i won't get you all suspended for doing something so stupid so you're all in detention and you're gonna be spending your time cleaning this place up sense you like making messes." Coach said before leaving

"Where's Jessica" I asked

"Uh she's not here" Maggie said

"Don't bullshit me where is she" I asked as they stayed mute

"HELLO" I yelled making them jump before they pointed towards the other half of the gym. I walked away before walking inside when my eyes widened

"WHAT THE HELL" I yelled as she turned around seeing it was her and Jack.


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